Chapter 8: The Gift

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Persephone's efforts to stave off Hades's advances while she was in her present condition had thus far proven fruitless. She could see that her lot was not going to be an easy one. She had no one to whom she could turn to for advice and sympathy.

Then one of her handmaidens arrived with a message from the dark goddess.

"Hades has sent for you, my lady," the nymph said to her with a bow. "She said you have stayed in your chamber far too long. At the court, she has no government business to attend to and wishes to divert your mind to some leisure time."

Persephone was mystified by the formal invitation but she could not refuse it. Ever since she had entered the Underworld, she had been living in constant confusion and surprise.

Later when the black sky was not too overcast above the horizon, Hades arrived at Persephone's chamber. As the doors of her room groaned open, the golden-haired maiden felt as though it was her meeting with the older woman for the first time.

Hades was in her usual black robe - all glorious and mighty as she had always been, but there was something different. Hades's night-black hair was braided down to one side over her slender shoulder. She just stood there in the light of the glowing torches like a rising sun over the rim of the mountains. Persephone found it extremely strange that Hades could appear so grim and somber one moment and then so radiant and lively the next. This had begun to unsettle Persephone's mind.

"I apologize for the short notice, Persephone, but I hope you are ready for a walk with me," Hades said to her in a gentle voice. "Seeing you again has moved me so deeply. I can't wait to show you a special gift."

Strangely, after hearing Hades' affectionate words, Persephone noticed there was no more animosity or palpable anger in her heart. She still tried to compose herself and remained unaffected.

"I told you I want no more gifts from you."

"This one I am sure you will find to your liking," Hades replied.

Persephone could have given a more bitter refusal, but now what was left in her young heart was a strong sense of intrigue and wonderment. In fact, Persephone did want to go outside, but the notion of having a stroll with Hades made her insides tingle and excited rather than frightened. This fact astonished her even more.

"Alright," came her soft response.

Hades' face shone brightly with joy. Then the dark goddess held her hand out to the maiden. Persephone stared at it and then back at Hades' bright twinkling eyes, which made Persephone's heart pump unevenly. The young maiden felt her own hands twitching, urging her to reach out for those beautiful slender fingers; but she decided against it and just turned away from the goddess and walked out of the room. Hades swallowed the slight embarrassment and simply followed her.

As they walked down the quiet hall, Persephone could hear the drumming of her own heart. Hades now walked soundlessly ahead of her. Her graceful movement and the soft sound of flowing silk upon her flawless skin made the young maiden feel strangely fascinated.

When they were out of the grand palace with only the Underworld plains to greet them, Hades led the way through the black hills and crooked leafless woods. They continued on like this in complete silence. Once in a while, a sound of chattering and murmuring drifted through the foggy air. Persephone wondered where they were headed, but she didn't dare to ask the taller woman in front of her. For some reason, the young maiden felt neither fear nor apprehension.

After a while, they reached a low plain. There erected a beautiful pergola and several trellises for plants to grow on. All around, large stones were intricately carved into authentic shapes and encrusted with glittering gems. Persephone's mouth fell open as she stared at the place. She turned back to Hades speechless.

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