Chapter 13: The Underworld Queen

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After Zeus declared his judgment, Persephone was content to let matters be as time passed by. Even though the confusion and sadness continued to exercise her mind, she tried to settle down to her old life with her mother for the remaining time on earth. She was sad that she had to part way with Demeter and confused that she found the thought of being back in the Underworld more tempting to her heart.

There was only one mountain-laurel remaining in full bloom as the end of the season drew close. In the water of the clear spring, Persephone's slender figure was the reflection of a beautiful young woman - no longer a child maiden. While she was resting under the shade of an olive tree, she watched her wood nymphs played in the fields. The goddess found herself more and more disinclined to join her friends like she used to.

Before, it would move her to tears with just the thought of tearing herself away from home. Now, the place she did not wish to leave previously seemed different. Everything seemed to have changed so subtly she didn't know what it was. Her mind kept wandering back to the dark mistress of the dead below the earth.

For the first few weeks, before Persephone was to have gone back to the Palace of Hades, Demeter kept herself secluded in her bower, weeping over her daughter's fate. Persephone tried to console her mother by reminding her that she would return home every year and that it would be as if they had never been apart. Yet, Demeter's heart was still plagued by grief seeing her beloved girl going away soon.

On the tenth day of the last month, the time for Persephone to leave the earth seemed to approach too slowly for it was her mind alone that was hurrying on. Persephone did not know how or when the Underworld had become a sanctuary for her soul. Despite her mother's grief, her heart began to pound and skip at the thought of meeting Hades again.

As she sat by the clear spring that afternoon, the golden-haired Demeter observed her darling daughter with steady eyes. The older goddess had noticed all the subtle changes, which only a mother could tell.

One night, as the two of them sat down by the fire, Demeter looked at Persephone for the longest moment before she asked the question that had been nagging at her mind.

"Persephone, tell me truly - are you in love with Hades?" she said to her daughter in a clear voice.

Persephone wished she had prepared for the question. The young goddess lowered her gaze to the ground. Her golden lock hid her face as her hands kept twitching nervously.

"Mother, why did you ask me so?" she murmured back.

"Do not fear me, daughter," Demeter told her, "Tell me naught but the truth. Tell me the unsaid things that you have buried within you."

Since there was no rhyme and reason to avoid it out of shyness or fear anymore, the maiden told her mother as honestly as she could.

"The strange feeling I have for Hades now is stronger than fear and rancor, mother," Persephone admitted. "Whenever I looked back on our unexpected meetings, it seemed like a surreal and mysterious dream that haunted my heart. While I am here, overjoyed to see you again, I still could not forget the dark tall woman who seems to have claimed my soul. Yes, Mother Demeter, I do love Hades. I did not know when or how but I do love her very much so."

"Oh my sweet child, you have grown and experienced too soon the sting of passion," Demeter said mournfully, "But I shall interfere no longer. Be happy, dear lass, dearer than heaven to me. I must compose myself and entrust you to Hades' care. You are my sole joy - a loved fruit of my labor. Be happy as you can be."

After the heartfelt blessing, the mother and daughter then went on to embrace one another and wept for the longest time.


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