The Car

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I stared at it for a few seconds, trying to see a way that it could be a joke. But I knew it wasnt.

I jumped out of my bed, landing clumsily on the floor, my ankle twisting under me. Pain shot through my leg but I didn't hesitate, I pulled on my shoes again, ignoring the throbbing sensation that was radiating up my leg.

Grabbing my keys and purse I shot out the door and ran down the stairs with a lopsided gallop.

When I got down to the parking lot I had to do two laps before I realized my car was gone. I even set off the alarm on my key. Nothing.

The fucker had me towed.

I growled under my breath, but I didn't have time to sulk. Throwing my bag over my shoulder I took off running, earning myself a few strange looks.

Whatever it took, I needed to get to her. That being said I didn't know exactly where she was, but I knew where to start looking. It didn't even matter if they could see me right now, they'd obviously managed to figure out my plan, so there was no use in pretending that I was safe anywhere.

I passed the greenhouse, the people who were taking down the stage stared at me. A shiver ran through me. I hoped none of them worked for Randall.

Once I was off campus I was slowed down by the crowds and I had to fight my polite instincts and shove through them.

I could feel my lungs start to burn half way there. My days of running all the time we're a thing of the past.

It was obvious, not only to me but to the many people who were wondering why a sweaty panting mess was pushing them in the street.

When I rounded the corner to the alley I was surprised to find it empty. Every day for months that place had been packed with people, but there was nothing left to prove it. There weren't even any old boxes or trash left behind.

I ran around the block, looking for any trace of her, but to no avail.

Coming full circle around to the alley I stood for a minute to catch my breath. I really needed to start running again, the freshman 15 was so painfully real.

While I was hunched over I saw something strange. I reached down and plucked the little wad out of the crease of the manhole cover.

It was a dollar bill, torn in half. And when I unraveled it I saw my note.

Run Peter, He's here

I looked back down at the sewer under my feet.

And without another thought, I dropped to my knees and began prying at the heavy metal cover. I had no idea how Delilah managed that so easily.

But after a few tries and many smashed fingers, I managed to dislodge the heavy disk. Once that happened all I had to do was push it across the concrete to uncover the hole.

And when I looked down into it I saw a mess of bruised limbs and tangled blonde hair crumpled up at the bottom of the drain.

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