Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

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Part of me wanted to run after him and spill everything so that someone would know. Anyone.

But I knew that would almost certainly mean death for everyone involved, so I hooked my legs around the bar stool to stay put.

I waved the bartender over and he made me something green and overly sweet.

"You're a good man Bart."

"Bart?" He asked.

"Short for bartender," I giggled.

"Of course it is."

He didn't find my joke that funny. How dare he. I was going to make an objection when the half empty glass was pulled out of my hand.

"Seriously Bo?"

"Seriously Peter?" I mocked, catching a glimpse of blue in his eyes.

He set the drink down and grabbed me gently by the arm.

"Unhand me demon!" I yell and then burst into giggles.

"Okay, come on." He pulled me off the stool and began walking towards the door.

"Bye Bart!" I yell, waving my hand around wildly in farewell. I didn't get a chance to see if he waved back.

I was dragged all the way to my room and sat down in my spinny chair. It twirled in lazy circles, and I used a foot spin myself faster.

"So this is why I've never seen you drunk before," Peter commented.

"You're just mad because you have to be the babysitter this time."

"Even at my worst, I don't know if I was this looney."

"You almost robbed like five different stores on accident, I'd say that's pretty bad."

"Well screaming about demons to a room full of people isn't great either."

"Pssshhh they don't give a shit about me. I'm a prop to most of those people. This is just a fancy event for them to go to."

"Either way, you need to sober up."

"Cold showers usually do it for me."

"You still have a few hours of partying left, I don't think that's a great idea."

"I could do anything, it doesn't matter."

He gave me an interesting look, "I'm pretty sure that's not true."

I felt a grin spread across my face.

His eyes developed a very distinct "oh no" look to them as a devious laugh began to bubble in my stomach. And then before he had time to stop me, I turned to the makeup table, ran my finger over an exposed pan of deep red blush, and rubbed it on the tip of my nose.

He wordlessly stared at me in surprise.

I made direct, unwavering eye contact, and slowly began the ballad of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. He didn't even stop me until I got to my feet and began the crescendo.

"Woah woah-woah, let's not do that."

I dissolved into laughter, collapsing into the chair again.

"I hate Christmas music!" I announced at top volume.

"That's nice," he said as his eyes scanned the makeup table, "Do you know which one of these can take that off?"

I stumbled to my feet, leaned in very close to him, and whispered, "I'm not going to tell you."

"So this is why you don't drink that much."

"Yeah, pretty much," I laugh, "I'm an asshole."

He considered this, "Yeah, kind of."

And then suddenly I threw my arms around him and slurred, "I love you."

I saw his face get red and for some reason, I thought that was the funniest thing in the world. I pressed my forehead against his shoulder and began to laugh so hard I could feel tears pool in the corners of my eyes.

"Yeah, I love you too. You're making it kind of hard right now, but I do, for some reason."

This also managed to tickle me to no end, and the laughing tears began to stream down my face and onto his shoulder. His hand was gliding up and down my back in an almost comforting gesture. For some reason, it made the crying worse, and I wasn't completely sure why.

I heard the sound of the door clicking and peters hand stilled in the middle of my back.
"You have to go back to the party." He said into my ear.

My head popped up and I turned to see one of the creepy henchmen looming in the doorway.

I turned back to Peter and said, "Ew."

"I know," I said and then began rubbing under my eyes and across the tip of my nose.

When he was done I glanced in the mirror. I didn't look as angelic as I had before, but I mostly just looked like I'd had a substantial crying fit.

"Nice," I say, pat Peter on the cheek, and make my way over to the open door.

The rest of the evening went by quicker than I'd expected, mostly due to the alcohol. I was right about the fact that no one really cared about how messed up my makeup was. Aside from Randall of course, who gave me many warning looks because I didn't look perfect. Oh well.

Eventually, I was whisked back to the house and up to my room. I sat down on the bed, most of the booze had worn off and left me drained.

Kicking off my shoes I propped my legs up in the bed, waiting for Randall to leave so I could get undressed.

He disappeared into my bathroom for a few minutes and emerged a few minutes later in pajamas.

I sat up in the bed, "what are you doing?"

"Getting ready to go to bed."

"Why aren't you doing it in your own room."

He chuckled and sat down on the other side of the bed, "Don't be silly, we're married now."

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