Chapter 6: Zachariah Grimwore

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Before arriving at the party:

Leaning back with an audible sigh the Grimm alpha rubbed his forehead in fatigue. Ever since he had stepped foot into this blasted country he hadn't gotten a decent night of sleep. His nights were plagued by a dream he kept having every night starting from the time he got on the jet. It was the same one over and over.

He was standing in a green and thick forest, the sun barely poked through the leaves that covered the sky. The earth was covered in leaves. When he dreamt the dream for the first time, he stood and looked around admiring the forest. He did not know why but the forest felt alive, watch and waiting. He could hear nothing but the sound of his own breathing and the beating of his heart. In the distance he saw a small round clearing where the sun graced it beautiful rays on the earth uninhibited by the thick leaves. In the center of the clearing sat a woman on a large rock. He could tell it was a female because she was wearing a long black sundress that bared her arms and hugged at her waist revealing her slender but curving figure. Her hair laid around her back and shoulders in long silky black curls. Zachariah had never been so captivated by a woman; advancing slowly towards her he wondered if her face was as enticing as her rear view. Just as he was about to touch her the woman stood up abruptly and without looking back, ran into the forest. Instinct kicked in and he began chasing her.

"Wait," he called out, "I just want to know your name." Something in his core needed him to catch her. His wolf pushed through but for some reason he could not shift in this dream.

The woman gave no answer as she continued running picking up speed and soon putting great distances between her and him. He never seemed to catch up to her. Zachary no longer visited the clearing whenever his head hit the pillow, the dream would start with her running and he chasing her, each night he would get closer and closer but he could never catch her. He always woke up sweating and with was a strange longing for the woman. It was always replaced by unflinching anger.

He was Alpha of his pack, the leader he would not be beaten by a mere slip off a girl. No woman would have this control over him.

"We need to get rid of this dream." His wolf hissed in rage. "It's making us weak and pathetic pining after some girl who isn't even real."

"Don't insult me Ezeeke, you think this foolish fantasy will affect us?" he bit back his voice filled with venom. "I will get it fixed".

This dream was starting to annoy him, as soon as this little meeting was over he will go to Dutton the blind and see what he had to say about it.

Oblivious to her Alpha's anger Megan, head gamma of the grim wolves stretched with an irritated sigh. "Oh well, here we are I can't believe you dragged us all the way here Zach, couldn't you have just take Sasha with you?" She groaned looking pointing at their beta.

Sasha looked at her in annoyance "Stop whining Mag, let's go in, seal the deal and get it over with, none of us want to be here but we have too."

The Delta twins scoffed "speak for yourselves, we're here for the free food."

Zachary looked on his team with amusement, Sasha's mate Katrina didn't say much, she was too busy staring out of the window in amazement at the beautiful restaurant. He had bought them here to the US on important pack business, the council had called the alphas together for a hearing and as much as he didn't like being summoned he had to come. Rejecting the summoning of the council for the fourth time would spread irritating rumors that his pack was no longer apart of the ten clans. But tonight he was at this restaurant to see about the money Adam Miller owed him. The coward had inviting him to this party with the hopes of prolonging the inevitable. If Adam didn't have his money he will strip him of his law firm and leave him a beggar in the streets. One more notch to the Grimwore Empire.

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