Chapter 8: Zachariah Grimwore

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Zachariah had started out in mild irritation at being invited to the little party that human Adams had thrown. Then, his irritation took a sharp turn when that human female challenged him. Anger turned into rage when upon getting in the car, his pack members grumbling began reaching in their wallets, producing money, and handing it over to the twins who smiled in glee.

Their happiness was short lived when they saw their alpha's face rivaling a thunderstorm. Their smiles drooped off of their faces as they tucked the money quickly into their pockets looking out of the window avoiding Zachary's menacing gaze.

Adams had better have his money, he hissed to himself in anger, or he won't live to see another day.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at a huge mansion. Zachariah and his pack let themselves in, the fool had run off at the end of the party with not so much as a word to him. He wouldn't put it past him to pretend he was not home.

Megan went in first and disabled all of the guards. There were two out front.

She came up behind the first one, rapped a gloved hand around his mouth and silently twisted his neck. By the time the second guard looked over she was behind him doing the same thing. He fell to the ground with a sickening thud. Running in the shadows she followed the source of all the camera cords.

"The security headquarters in such an exposed place," she bemused, "amateurs."

There were three of them inside she gauged from the voices, there was no way she could do what she did to the two earlier without one of them raising the alarm, so she knocked. The voices coming from inside subsided.

"Is that you Phil?"

"No it's Megan." she said making her voice more feminine and her Siberian accent more obvious. All she needed was the element of surprise. Just as She expected, she heard all three chairs scrape back as they came through the door. Three pairs of eyes looked at Megan in surprise. They stood mesmerized taking her in. Her black hair brushing her shoulder blades were the same color of her black eyes. Even underneath her clothes they could see her hourglass frame.

Thankfully one of the men remembered his job. "You're not supposed to be here," he growled gruffly.

She almost felt sorry for these men. Without warning, she launched herself at the closest one and grabbed his neck before twisting it.

Startled, the two remaining guards attacked her. One throw a punch which Megan admitted to herself was pretty good but poorly aimed. It fell just a few centimeters away from her head. Not being one to waste an opportunity, she grabbed the wayward hand and pulled the man roughly towards her. She griped his neck and sent him the way of his friend.

Turning to the last man, she took in his horrified expression as he tried to back away from her.

"P...please," he begged.

Megan let out an inaudible sigh before running towards him and breaking his neck too.

As usual the twins finally surfaced after the heavy work was done.

"Thanks Meg, we really appreciate it," they said smirking quickly walking by her.

Megan scowled at the two ash she followed them into the security room.

The twins instantly got to work. Gavin began tapping at the keys vigorously while Gavan kneeled at an outlet with what seemed to thousand cords poking out. Obviously they knew what they were doing because suddenly all the surveillance screens went black.

"Done and done." They stood proudly.

"Alpha, it's done," Megan reported

"Very well," came the reply

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