6 | The Morning After

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Sunbeams dancing through the window woke Emma late the next morning. At some point during the night, she had thrown the heavy quilt half off of her body, no doubt during one of the weird pursuits her dreams had sucked her into. The thick fabric tangled around her, anchoring her to the bed as if afraid she was going to try to make a nocturnal escape.

Streaks of gold ran over her face, and the brilliance of the morning light, combined with the melodies of song-birds, eventually caused her eyes to slowly flicker and then open. A mildly perplexed expression crossed her face; she knew she was in Greta's spare room, but couldn't immediately remember why she was there.

Then it hit her. The van... and then, oh my God... Ryan... the kiss... no, not just one kiss... kisses! She groaned and rolled onto her side, facing the wall. What the hell were you thinking? she chastised herself, he was probably just messing with you again. It doesn't make it much better even if he's serious. Does it? She groaned in frustration.

Her eyes unfocused, tracing the ivy climbing the old Victorian wall paper as her mind drifted back:

'Ev, wait up!' the skinny little imp of a girl was panting hard, face beet red from the heat of the unusually warm summer morning, dirty bare feet slapping against the pavement as she bore down on her target.

Evan stepped back from the truck and groaned, slowly turning to face his younger sister.

'Em, I told you, you can't come with me today. Grandpa said it's not safe for you.'

The scrawny thirteen-year-old girl finally reached her brother, barely stopping in time so that they were nose to nose, or rather, nose to chest. He was already nearly a foot taller than her, even though he was only a few years older. Her hair stuck out in wild disarray and she was breathing hard.

'No, Grandpa said it was too dangerous for me to stay overnight. You're just going for the day. I can go if you let me come with you,' she pleaded, her big brown eyes wide in expectation.

'No way! I love you, sis, but today I'm hanging with Ryan.' Noticing her face drooped dejectedly, he hurried on, 'Look, I'll take you next weekend, okay? Besides, you hate Ryan and I don't want to listen to you two bicker the whole time.'

Her face got a little warmer. Not from the heat this time, though.

'I don't hate him,' she mumbled, 'He's just such an ass sometimes.'

Evan laughed, gazing at her fondly.

'Watch your mouth, little sis,' he teased, tugging on one of the more adventurous sprigs of hair making a break from the barrette attempting to imprison it. 'If Grandma hears you talking like that she'll whip your butt.'

'Don't tell!' she begged, 'Please just let me come with today. I'll be on my best behavior, I promise!'

Evan hesitated and then blew out a long sigh, 'Fine... you can come with. But I swear, if you and Ryan start in on each other, I'm leaving you with the bears!'

'I promise, I promise!' she exclaimed excitedly, hugging him fiercely, 'I'll get my shoes and be right back out. Don't you dare leave without me!'

She left him standing next to the truck, shaking his head and wondering how in the world she always got her way, as she bounded back into the house.

The way up to the cabin was a lot like he expected. Ryan was in an especially good mood, which meant that he was extra focused on getting a rise out of Emma, who was sitting between the two of them in the truck, straddling the gear shaft.

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