7 | Untethered

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A long string of greasy mozzarella stretched from the huge piece of pizza Emma was pulling away from her mouth, when a pillow came flying through the air and smacked her in the side of the head. Uttering a muffled curse, she dropped her slice, and tried to swipe back at the offender. Her brother dodged her easily, laughing and collapsing onto the other end of the sofa from where she was sitting. Swallowing the bite, she snatched the same pillow and pummeled him full in the face.

"How do you like it, asshole!" she cursed him, the silly grin on her face belying her words. He shot a crooked grin back at her.

"Aw, you know you've missed me, sis."

Laughing lightly, Emma set her plate on the side table, turned, and put her legs up so that her feet rested in his lap. It did feel really good to hang out like this again. Almost like it did before—before Evan left for school, and before they started to drift apart. She exhaled contentedly, resting her arms on her full belly, and leaned her head back against the arm of the couch. The trio had been working hard for the last few hours, and were now taking a well-deserved break before they finished packing up.

"Ugh... Jeez, woman! Put those things somewhere else!" Evan made a mock stink face and grabbed her feet, tickling them, making her squirm and shriek with giggles. She tried to kick free, but his grip was too tight and she fell, landing on the hardwood floor heavily, nearly knocking Ryan's beer over in the process. Evan released her, chuckling, as she collapsed, lying flat on the floor, her hair a wild tangle around her head, breathless and red in the face from laughing so hard.

Ryan had swooped in to rescue his beer, a huge grin splitting his handsome face. Leaning back against a large armchair, he sat on the floor with his long legs sprawled out in front of him. Watching the lighthearted interchange sent a nostalgic feeling sweeping through him. Almost like they were all kids again.

"You two should really grow up," he teased, taking a long drink and dodging pillows from both of the siblings as he did so. Emma sat up, but stayed on the floor, a smile still curving her lips.

"Hey Ev," she ventured tentatively, "what do you think about going up to the cabin this weekend? Before you have to fly back?" He didn't answer, but looked like he was thinking about it, and she continued, "It's been ages since we were up there... I'd really like to, and with Ryan's help, we'll be finished here by Friday for sure."

She shot a grateful look in Ryan's direction. All weirdness aside, he had been really helpful, and it had actually been fun to be around him again.

"That sounds good, Em," he finally answered.


He avoided meeting her eyes. "I had a question for you, too, and I'm not sure you're going to like it." The easy smile was gone, and his face took on his more characteristically serious look.

Emma narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, swiveling toward him so that she could get a good look at his face.

"Well, spit it out big bro, what is it?" Then it dawned on her, "This is about mom isn't it? The conversation I overheard at the airport..." Her voice rose, "God, that damn woman ruins everything!"

She started to get up but his hand closed on her shoulder and pulled her down next to him. Sensing the tension, Ryan quietly grabbed up the empty plates, and headed into the kitchen, making himself scarce. Evan and Emma barely noticed him leave.

"Just give me a chance to explain, Emmy. Please?" She grudgingly stayed put, gazing at him expectantly, if still a bit disgustedly.

"Well, go on then."

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