Chapter Twelve

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Saga lay on Loki's bed, a scarf tied around her eyes, securing some kind of prickly plant matter to her eyelids. It didn't hurt, exactly, just irritated.

Loki had laid his hands over her eyes and was chanting something very softly, almost under his breath.

"Oww!" she cried, her hands rising to her head.

"Please," he implored, "try to remain still."

She put her hands down and tried to relax. The pain came again, like a sort of sharp pricking inside her head which grew in intensity. She clenched her fists, trying her hardest not to move but soon it was going to be impossible. She clamped her jaw shut, unable to stop herself from grunting as she breathed out. It was like she was being stabbed by a hundred tiny knives but she knew that even if she raised her hands, she wouldn't be able to stop the pain because it was inside.

Tears began to leak from under her lids.

"Just a few more moments," he pleaded. "You're being so brave."

It took everything she had but she managed to remain still, then the moment he withdrew his hands the pain eased.

She began panting from the exertion of keeping still.

Loki untied the scarf and removed the things over her eyes, replacing it with a cool, damp cloth.

"Oh, that feels good," she said, raising a hand to hold it in place.

"The residual ache should fade quickly," he explained. "Once it does, you should be ready to open your eyes.

Her heart suddenly skipped a beat at the thought she might be able to see soon. She tried to damp it down but the hope refused to die.

Loki removed the cloth a few times, rinsing it in a bowl of something that smelled of daffodils, then reapplying it. Each time the cloth was removed the light felt a little bit brighter through her lids but when she tried to peak, it was so bright that she had to squint her eyes almost shut, but she was slowly growing accustomed to the light. It only added to her hope that his spell had worked.

"How do you feel?" he asked, removing the cloth again.

"Okay." She tried to open her eyes, squinting against the light as they tried to adjust, but Loki placed a hand over them,

"No, no, the first thing you see should be amazing."

He placed the cloth back over her eyes, holding it in place with one hand while he took her hand and urged her to sit up. She took over holding the cloth in place and Loki got off the bed and tried to get her to stand, but she resisted.

"Come to the terrace, let the first thing you see be the wondrous view over Asgard."

"Loki," she tugged back. "Sit down."

He perched on the side of the bed again and Saga moved into a more comfortable sitting position. She lowered the cloth but kept her eyes closed.

"You said the first thing I see should be amazing," she reminded him.

"I know, love, that's why-"

She placed her hand over his lips.

"That's why I want the first thing I see to be you."

She felt his lips curl up in a smile.

"You think I'm amazing" he asked with pride.

"I do."

Her eyes had adjusted to the light through her lids but when she tried to open them she had to blink a few times until she could keep them open. Her vision was blurry at first but once she was able to keep her eyes open it began to clear and slowly, Loki came into focus.

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