Chapter 2: Heavenly Dream

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You stared at the dark tunnel the demon disappeared in for a few more seconds until you realised you weren't alone anymore. A boy that looked almost exactly like the demon but with a more concerned face stood in front of you. "You must be (y/n), correct?" You nodded. He smiled, grabbing your hand and leading you through another tunnel. This time it was a very bright, friendly one. It made you feel safe and protected. After a while of silence you decided to ask the boy some questions. Maybe he'll tell you more than that annoying demon? "U-um, can I ask you something?" The boy turned around. "Can you wait until we arrive, please? I'll explain everything when we're there.", he looked at you, a soft blush on his cheeks. You nodded, also blushing.

After a few more minutes you arrived at... Well where did you arrive at? It was a beautiful, large meadow with all kinds of flowers and animals. The smell of dafodiles and tulips made you a little sleepy. You wanted to lay down and just dream for a bit but the boy pulled you towards a huge golden gate. He pointed at the very top of the gate. "Can you read that out loud, please?", he asked politely. You looked at the engraving. "Heaven?",you mumbled but still loud enough for him to understand. He nodded. "That's where the good people go after they die. You know that, right?" You looked at him, slowly nodding. He sighed. "Anyways, follow me." He started walking towards a smaller, silver-ish gate. It lead to some kind of house. "This is where angels are 'born'. You will have to go through some tests so we can see if you can become an angel and live with us, in heaven or if you...", he stopped. "...have to suffer in purgatory. Let's hope it will be the first option." You looked at him, fear in your eyes. He stared at you for a moment, feeling how awkward the situation got but stayed silent. Then finally, he looked at you, smiling with a slight blush on his face. "I'm sure you'll be a great angel." You remained silent. "U-um, if you could follow me now?", he grabs your hand, leading you into the small house.

"Jyushimatsu? Are you here? Here's someone who wants to take the 'Angel Test'.", he spoke a bit louder than before. You could hear a faint voice yelling "I'M COMING CHOROMATSU!!" and a few seconds later, a boy with big, white wings and a halo appeared, running towards you and the other boy. "Oh, how rude I didn't even introduce myself! I-I'm Choromatsu, I'm something like a god.", he took your hand, shaking it and smiling. "Me too! Me too!", the angel said, taking your other hand and shaking it excitedly. "I'm Jyushimatsu! I'm an angel! Actually I'm something like the boss of all angels that exist! Like a king!" You smiled at him. "So you're going to show me how to become an angel?" Jyushimatsu nodded. "Come, follow me,... er... what's your name?", he asked, tilting his head. You giggled at how cute he looked. "My name's (y/n)!" Jyushimatsu smiled. "That's a cute name, I like it! Now, come! Follow me, (y/n)-chan!"

While Jyushimatsu was showing you where you'd be taking the tests, where you could sleep, eat and train, you were thinking of how you would look like as an angel. How big would your wings be? As big as Jyushimatsu's? Would they look good on you? What about the halo? How will it fly above your head, how does that even work? Jyushimatsu noticed that you zoned out and looked at you while trying to get you to listen to him. "(y/n)-chan, are you listening to me? That's very rude you know!" You looked at him, smiling a little while apologising for not listening to him. He pouted but immediately went back to his cute smile. "It must have been a long day for you, you better go to bed, (y/n)-chan!" You nodded, saying goodbye while entering your bedroom.

What a crazy day. Not only did you die, you met a demon, an angel and... a god? And you still don't know whether you'll go to heaven or hell. You sighed, sitting down on the bed. The bedcover had a nice pastel colour and felt pretty soft and cozy. The smell of purity and sacredness filled the room, making you feel safe and protected. You laid down, staring at the open ceiling. The stars and the moon watching you sleep and shining into your room made you feel free and close to heaven. Literally. You closed your eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

You slept for what felt like forever. Some kind of light, presumably the sun, hit your eyelids. While slowly opening your eyes you noticed it wasn't the sun that woke you up. It was a lamp. You fully opened your eyes. You weren't in the bedroom you went to sleep at. You were in a cold hospital bed. Your heart started beating faster and your breath was heavier than ever. It hurt trying to sit up. It felt like someone stabbed you in the back and the knife was still stuck in your flesh. You wanted to cry, scream for help but nothing came out. Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came in. "Good morning (y/n)-san, how was your sleep, how are you feeling?" You looked at her, confused and scared. "D-didn't I die?", you stuttered. You came closer, smiling. "That's what we thought too. But luckily, a young man found you in your bathroom. You have lost a lot of blood and he carried you all the way to the hospital." She opened the blinds. "If he wouldn't have found you, you would have died of blood loss. A minute later and you would not be here right now." You stared at the nurse for a few more seconds until someone knocked on the door. The nurse turned her head to the door. "Ah, this must be the young man who saved you." The door opened and your eyes widened in shock.

Well this chapter was a bit longer than the first one *coughs* hope you enjoyed~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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