Chapter 9

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I tried rolling to the side, but as soon as I did, I felt like bursting into tears.

"Ugh! What the fuck...?" I squeezed my eyes for a second before opening them, still lying on my back. I was kind of confused; one moment I was feeling fine. In the next one I felt like my body was being torn in two parts. And then I was okay, again.

I became even more confused when I took in my surroundings; a room that was so white it made me sick- or maybe it was the smell of the room that was making me sick?

"Sally!" I jumped in my bed and snapped my head to the right, to see Briana and Carolyn, rushing toward me. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

I didn't respond; I just kept looking around myself, until I realized... "Am I at a hospital?"

"Oh my God!" Carrie whispered as she sat down on one of the two chairs next to my bed. "You lost your memory! See? I knew this cou-"

"Shut the fuck up, are you fucking mental?" Briana hissed angrily as she sat down next to her, and looked at me worriedly. "You do remember what happened, right, Sal?"

I sat up and looked around again, trying to remember what happened the previous day. Within seconds, pictures of that dark street, the scared woman and the man invaded my mind. Not to mention my 'bravery'.

"Oh my God," I mumbled, sitting further up in the bed, my eyes wide. That wasn't just a bad dream?!

"You had sex with Liam, didn't you?" Carolyn grinned mischievously at me, but it soon turned into a horrified frown when Briana started hitting her with her jacket.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She snarled. "She's literally lying here with her hip bone and spine fractured! You think Liam would demolish her like that?!"

Carrie was quiet for a few seconds. "Yeah, you're right, I always imagined him as gentle and-"

"Wait, hold on," I finally spoke, my voice groggy. "I... What?"

I probably looked like a lost puppy, but the truth was, I was terrified. I jumped on a stranger's back in order to save a woman that I didn't even know, all because of being angry at a boy and having Red Bull. During all of that, I also managed to injure my body to the point where I had to be taken to a hospital.

Well, there's a Friday night that I'll make sure never repeats again.

Briana sighed, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I looked at her. "Your mum called me this morning, and told me that you're lying unconscious at the hospital. Just like that. She didn't even bother telling me why, just kept shouting 'it's all your fault' and similar shit. They even had to give her water and sugar when she saw me here."

Bri grimaced, and then shrugged. "She kind of hates me now."

"Anyway," Carolyn cut in. "We're waiting for an explanation."

"Yeah." Briana nodded. "What happened after I dropped you off? Didn't you go home?"

I didn't say anything for a few seconds, again, as I tried to find the right words. "Well, um..." I started after a minute. "I was walking down a street, and saw two people, a man and a woman... I think he was trying to do something, like steal from her, or whatever. And I just... Ran, and... Jumped on him."

Bri and Carrie first just stared at me, then looked at each other, and then back at me, their expressions going from blank to horrified.

"You what?" Carrie said quietly.

"I said, I ran and-"

"I heard you!" She hissed. "What were you thinking?!"

And then it began.

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