Chapter 11

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"Good eveni- oh."

I dragged myself back to my barstool as I noticed it wasn't a customer that had walked in; it was only Briana.

"What are you doing here?" I said through a sigh, my hand under my chin as I doodled on a napkin. I was drawing Ruby; an ugly, alien-like version of her, that is.

"Wow, hello to you to," She said, her palm placed over her chest. I rolled my eyes and continued drawing Ruby's hair. Someone needs to go to a hairstylist.

"What is wrong with you?" I winced as Bri threw her bag in front of me, and sat across from me. "You've been in a shitty mood today at school, so I thought I'd visit you. What's wrong?"

I sighed again, and wished she hadn't come at all. "Nothing."

"Something happened at that dinner last night," She said quickly. "What was it?"

"Nothing," I repeated stubbornly. "Nothing good, anyway."

"What was that?" My best friend's face was suddenly an inch away from mine. "Come on, tell me! Is the woman mean? Are they rich? Do they have a hot son?"

Briana slowly sat back in her stool, confused, as I started laughing. If only you knew, I thought to myself.

"I'll take that as a yes?" When I looked up at her, she was smirking, probably knowing she'd guessed that last one.

With another sigh, I crumpled up the napkin and threw it in the bin, and turned to Briana, knowing she wouldn't leave me alone until I told her everything. "It's Liam," I said with no emotion in my voice.

As expected, her eyes went wide at first, but then she started looking at me with a cautious look in her eyes. "What? Liam who?" She asked, probably not realizing how stupid her question is.

I sighed. "Their son. It's Liam," I said again. If she had any brains, she'd know whom I was talking about. Luckily, when I looked up at her, she was looking at me as if I'd fell from Mars. As if I was an alien. As if I looked like Ruby on the drawing I just threw out.

"No," She said, her eyes almost as wide as her legs when she does a split in P.E. I only closed mine and nodded slowly, images of the previous evening making me shiver. Ugh.

I abruptly opened my eyes and winced when I felt Bri slap my hand. "Well what are you waiting for?" She said impatiently. "Tell me everything that happened, oh my God!"

I blinked a few times, looking around as I tried to remember everything from last night. Which wasn't that much of a problem; I don't think a few particular events would leave my mind ever. "Well... We went there and had dinner-"

"Details!" Briana interjected, making me sigh again, a little frustrated by now.

"Nothing happened during dinner! We just-"

"What happened later?" She cut me off again, and I looked at the table in front of me. To tell or not?

"Then... The parents wanted to talk about something serious, and made Liam and I go to the living room." To tell.

"Ooh," Bri sat up, a devious look in her eyes. "I'm sensing some 50 Shades action going on, yeah?"

I frowned. "Do you even know what 50 Shades is about?"

"No," She responded immediately, her smile disappearing just as quickly as she started shaking her head. "I just know there's a lot of sex in it... Anyways, what happened then?" There's the excited tone again.

"Then..." I had to pause and gulp when I remembered the next few things. "He started, um, making fun of my name. And... You know how I get when-"

"You tried to suffocate him, didn't you?" I nodded uneasily at Briana's suggestion; my intention wasn't to kill him... Kind of.

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