Final Straw

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The Day Before:

I wake up with the alarm clock blaring in my ear. I quickly turn it off before anyone hears. I get up, take a shower, and get dressed. I look at the clock and see that it's almost six. I sprint down the stairs and make breakfast before anyone gets up. I finished when I hear showers turn on, and head back to my room with a small piece of food for myself. If any of my siblings found out, I would get beaten. I quickly shove it down my throat before they come up. After 30 minutes, they enter my so called room when it is nothing but a small closet in the 3 times larger attic. They enter with malicious smiles on their faces. Mine remains blank. Riley, my younger brother, spoke before Rachel, the slut of an younger sister.

You've done a good job so far.......

He trails off, and grabs my hair roughly, making me let out a small shriek.

...but not good enough.

He throws me against the wall and I gasp from the impact. I see small dots in my vision, but I know it's not going to end here. I faintly see him take out a knife and walk closer to me. I don't move knowing if I do, I will get worse. I look at my sister for help, but she just stands there with a sick smile on her face like she is enjoying this. I feel my heart shatter even more when I see her. I turn my attention back to my brother who is stalking closer to me like a lion and its prey. I push myself closer to the wall, and put my arms over my head when he starts swinging the knife. I feel slash after slash on my arms and legs. He stops after what feels like forever, and my arms and legs are bloody. I don't scream while he does this. If I scream, he does worse to shut me up.

He pulls me up by my hair almost ripping it out of my head. My arms are limp by my sides, and my legs are screaming in protest to standing. He takes the now bloody knife and places it on my face. 

You're lucky I'm in a good mood today.

He let go of me, and I drop to the floor with a loud thud and look at Rachel and see that her smile dropped and the glint of happiness in her eyes disappeared. I look at her strangely not believing her for a second because since she is a slut, she is a very good actress. I have fallen for that look every time, but not this time. I know that she is faking. She sees the look on my face and her usual attitude appears almost immediately.

Without warning, she slaps me in the face making sure that her fake nails dig into my skin. I sit there shocked. She may be a slut, but she has never hit me before. She usually has Riley to do it. I look back at him, and he has a look of shock and happiness on his face. She stands up fully showing her so called perfect body. She is severely anorexic wearing the smallest skirt ever that can be classified as a belt showing her entire ass and bright pink thong, a shirt that is nothing but a thin strip that covers only her nipples, and a pair of six inch heels. If you read the definition of a slut, you would see her. I almost put a look of disgust on my face, but it stays emotionless. She started speaking.

Why did they give it all to you? I'm older than you and way prettier, but they don't leave me anything. Ever since you were born, you have stolen the spotlight from me. I was perfect, but you were flawless in their eyes. I hate you. You need to die. You have no reason to live in this world. Look at you! You're disgusting. You have no friends and even your family doesn't want you. The only reason you're still breathing is for the inheritance you fully receive when you turn 18. Until then, you're stuck up here, so don't get any ideas about us caring for you. You're nothing but worthless trash with a large bank account that we'll drain completely dry when you die.

She said all of it in a cold voice that I wasn't aware she had. Tears pour down my face before I could stop them, and a smug look on theirs appeared. They walk out leaving me bloody and crying.

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