Meeting the Family

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= The Next Day =

I wake up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I get out of bed, stretch, and head down to the front door. I know it's Greg, so I didn't even bother with pants, and my shirt went past my butt anyway. By the time I make it to the front door, they are ringing the bell every two seconds and getting faster.

I'm coming!

I don't even know why I yelled since this house is sound-proof. They couldn't hear me. I look through the peephole and see a pair of twins, a girl, and Greg. One of the twins is ringing the doorbell, and I open the door, so he could stop.

Hey Greg.

Hey Kimmy. You remember Jake, Jace, and Sara don't you?

Ah.... so that's who they are. Sara is looking at me with a small smile, and Jake and Jace are just looking at me up and down. I now regret not putting on pants, and I almost start blushing, but I don't.

Yeah I remember them. We use to play together every summer. Come in.

They walk in and look around. I still have the plastic over the furniture, but the power is on. Sara tackles me in a hug and speaks first.

I missed you so much, Kim. What are you doing here?

I looked at Greg who has a blank expression on his face. He didn't tell them.

You didn't tell them?

He looked like his hand was caught in the cookie jar, and the twins came back into the room and spoke at the same time.

Tell us what?

Greg finally spoke up.

I was going to until I wanted you to tell them yourself.

I give him a look of disbelief.

Are you serious right now?


All three of them cut in.

What are you talking about?

I look at them with a grim expression. I did not want to do this right now. The twins sees my face and walk closer to me. Jace, well the one I think is Jace, puts his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder. He did this every time I was upset about something. I can't believe he remembered this. After a minute, I walk off and uncover the largest couch in the living room.  I sit down and the rest follow. Jace and Sara sit on either side of me. Greg remains standing, and Jake sits by Sara. I take a deep breath.

I don't want any pity. I hate it.

That's ok. Just tell us what is going on.


I tell my story for the third time this week. Halfway through it, Jace does the same thing and puts his arm around my shoulder. I look at Sara and she has tears running down her face. Jake and Jace have hard expressions on their faces. Greg isn't saying a word. By the time I finished, Sara tackled me in a hug. Jake and Jace had tears running down their faces, but not saying a word. They speak at the same time.

Those money-hungry bas....

Greg cuts them off.


Sara speaks after him.

I can't believe they would do something like that. They're some sick people, but we're going to completely change that. Come on. Let's get you dressed so we can go shopping.

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