Chapter 9: "مودّة"(Love) and "رحمة"(Mercy) PART 1

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Nouman Ali Khan , my mentor *_*, talks on marriage.

Afaaf's POV

A few days have passed and Imran still slept on the couch and I slept alone on the huge bed. At times my heart felt disturbed to see him sleep on a couch in his own house. He didn't speak to me at all in these days. Not even a single 'hmm'. His routines had changed. He had started working extra hours. He would leave for work at 8 am at return home at 8 in the night. Then he'd pray Maghareb, have dinner, spend the rest of the time on his phone and then to bed. Forget me, he wouldn't even talk to his family. Things were getting worse. Mariam kept shoting at us her questioning looks. Uncle Khan and Aunty Sabeeha looked worried about Imran as well. When he was asked why he had started working long hours all he would say is that he wants to save for future. I had no idea what future he was thinking about.

On the other hand, mum was getting better and better by the day, Alhamdulilah. Her pain was slowly going away and she was discharged just a day ago. Ayesha was keeping me updated about mum's condition and sometimes I'd go visit her right after work. I felt worried about Ayesha sometimes. She had started to look like mum; less cheerful, losing her liveliness and mostly tired. She needed someone to look after her and Ali, someone who'd love and protect them but where to find such a man for her when I couldn't even find one for myself.

I was on the swing right now, swaying gently to and fro while Mariam, who was right beside me was speeding. It had become a habit for me and Mariam to swing together every evening but today I wasn't in the mood but I didn't wanted to refuse to her so anyways, I joined her. I noticed her slowing down and then she finally came to stop.

"Afaaf api?", she turned to me, "Are you worried about your mum?"

"I don't know", I sighed. I really meant what I said. I didn't know why I just couldn't focus on one thing anymore.

"I know I shouldn't ask but... Is there something going on between you and Imran bhai?". My heart started to sink. Does she really feel like that? If she does then the others might also have questions building up inside them. What will I answer them? I can't hurt them. It's not their fault and they shouldn't be a part of this catastrophe between I and Imran.

"Afaaf api?"

"Mariam, we are fine. There's nothing wrong between us. It's just that...maybe I am missing mum". Lies, lies and more lies. A full mountain of it building higher and higher over me.

"And Imran bhai is worried about you", she sighed.


"Yes", she paused, "he has concern written all over his face when he looks at you"

What concern she was talking about that was oblivion to me? I didn't wanted to have anymore conversation with her about this.

"Do you want to go back in? I'm feeling a bit chilly", I left the swing.

"No, I want to stay here for a while", so she stayed.

As I left the backyard garden and shut the door behind me, I heard the main gate of the house open. It was almost Maghreb. Who'd be visiting us this late?

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