Chapter 34: Afaaf is or is not?

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Afaaf's POV

I crawled up to Imran on the bed. His eyes were fixed on something expressing that he was deep in thought. He must be thinking about what happened earlier tonight at his parent's. It was shocking for me too. I had never seen Uncle Ameen act this way. Indeed Imran inherited his father's temper.

"Imran", I called him placing my hand on his shoulder. He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to me.

"Are you okay?", I asked him concerned.

"Yeah... Yeah. I'm fine", he ran his hand through his hair.

"Hey", I pushed back his black locks that fell on his forehead, "You can talk to me about it, you know that right? Tell me what are you thinking"

"It's nothing Afaaf. Let's get some sleep", he gave a gentle smile and put his arm around me.

I leaned against him and took a deep breath sensing his cologne. I wanted him to talk about what he was thinking, to share his worries.

"Imran, talk. Tell me. I might not be able to fix the problem but you can still share your worry", I told him hoping he wouldn't turn it down again.

"You know what it is Afaaf", he sighed placing his chin on my head.

"Uncle and Zaid bhai?", I asked.

He didn't answer. I took his silence as a yes, "In Sha Allah everything will be fine. Zaid bhai is trying to fix it, I know"

"I want to end this but Abbu's bitterness seems to be getting worse. I cant figure out how all of this will stop. Zaid is fixing it but Abbu is not budging"

I caressed Imran's chest, "Uncle is holding on strongly to his opinion of Zaid bhai. He is not willing to look beyond what has passed. Maybe a third party should talk to Uncle and make him understand"

"Who can possibly talk to him without raising his temper?!"

I sighed deeply. Imran was right.

"Poor Zaid bhai. I can understand what he must be going through. Not having even the slightest involvement of your father in your life us just so hurtful. It's so painful to see that part of your life just plain empty while others don't even have a clue what this emptiness feels like", I closed my eyes and tried hard not to remember his face. I tried hard to forgot those blue eyes but it was impossible. It was impossible to simply forget the one who had destroyed everything in my life once.

"Afaaf!", he suddenly pulled away and looked at me curiously.

"I think we know who can do this! You! If you just explain to Abbu what you just said right now then I suppose we can somewhat change his perspective!", Imran hoped.

I looked away thinking. I knew I could express my feelings to Imran now, that too after taking a long time, but I was unsure if I could speak to Uncle Ameen. I knew he was a sweet person since he chatted so sweetly and fatherly with his daughters in law but would he remain the same if I try to explain him.

"What if he won't listen? What if he gets upset with me too?", I was afraid.

"He won't. I know. He tends to be more lenient when speaking with mum or Mariam. You have to try and talk to him Afaaf. Please. You're the only who can explain him his mistake in a subtle way", he let out a breath that he had been holding, "Will you do this for me?"

His eyes shone with hope which I didn't want to see fade away. "I wil try", I agreed. I had to try, for Imran, for my second family.

"I knew I could count on you!", he smiled, kissing my forehead and then secured me in his arms. I was glad that I made his heart feel at peace for one night.

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