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The Opera Ghost gave a loud laugh before saying, "You are a foolish young woman." He took his hands off of my shoulders and proceeded to disappear into the darkness once again. "And terribly naive too." he added. "Trusting a man who once had a noose around your neck, begging to stay here, in his home." He had moved around again, his voice somehow coming from slightly above were I was standing. How could he disappear so easily? "And all because you believe I have love in my heart." He scoffed. "I almost killed you today."

"But you didn't." I said quietly. "You could have."

"I didn't kill you, but not for the childish reason you believe. Love has been gone from my heart for along time, Mademoiselle Emilie Castille." he said, now beside meonce more.

"Everyone has love in their heart, Monsieur, however small that amount may be."

He laughed loudly once more. "You are most amusing. You have not yet seen the horrors of this cruel world. You do not understand that it is very possible that some people have no love in their hearts."

"Why do you hurt people, Monsieur Opera Ghost?" I said softly. "You hurt Carlotta today and you've hurt others before."

He hissed in annoyance. "Carlotta deserved that."

"No she didn't! She was only performing her audition! You had no reason to do that! You are just an aggressor!"

"Do not speak of what you do not know!" he shouted loudly.

I hoped no one in the opera house would come out here and investigate because of all the shouting the Opera Ghost and I were doing. Everything was suddenly quiet for a moment.

"Monsieur Opera Ghost?"

"Yes?" he replied in a quiet voice.

It was obvious that the Opera Ghost had some moodswings. "May I please stay here in the Opera Populaire? Just for tonight?"

"We both know that you will end up staying here longer than just one night if I let you stay."



I froze and stayed silent. Nothing was heard except for my breathing for a full minute.

"You must stay out of trouble, Mademoiselle." I jumped for his voice had come from directly in front of me. "And a word to the wise," he continued, "do not cross paths with Madame Giry while you are here at night. She is a fate worse than death in some cases."

My face lit up. "So I may stay?"

"Yes. But do not make me regret this, woman."

"Oh, thank you!"

"Yes, yes. Now go find a place to sleep before I change my mind." he hissed.

I bit my lip. I had no idea where a suitable place to hide would be. The last time I was at the Populaire was over a year ago with Father. I had forgotten the many of the rooms he had shown me. Could I even find a place to stay in this darkness?

"Monsieur?" I asked hesitantly, hoping he had not disappeared for good.

"What?" he snapped immediately.

"Where should I stay for the night? You know this place better than anyone. Where is the best place to stay without getting caught?"

There was a long silence. It was quiet for so long, I almost asked if he was still there before I heard him sigh quietly. "Well, it is obvious that you cannot hide in the dancers' quarters. Madame Giry would find you there in a heartbeat. There aren't many places to hide in up here without you being caught. I suppose the only logical place for you to hide would be where no one would find you. And the only place that fulfills that requirement is the underground tunnels where I live." I jumped again as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Do you trust me, Mademoiselle?"

Finding the Beauty UnderneathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang