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"Tell me again!" giggled Gabrielle. "The dark, mysterious eyes, the slicked-back hair, the well-toned body, the-"

"Oh, stop it!" I laughed. "You act like this was some romance story. And besides, I've told it to you a hundred times by now!"

Gabrielle laughed as she finished plaiting her hair. "It was like a romance story! You two even-"

"Hush! Your mother will hear us!"

"Don't worry. I won't say a word about that to my mother or father. I know they don't approve of those things before marriage. . ."

A few seconds later, Gabrielle's mother peeked her head into the room. Naturally, we acted as nonchalant as possible and immediately dropped the subject.

"Would you girls like some tea before bed? I've just made some and could pour you two a cup if you'd like."

"Yes, Mother." chirped Gabrielle.

"Yes, please." I said with slight hesitance.

I still felt bad for living with Gabrielle's family without a warning to them. I had come to Gabrielle after I left Erik's home the day he had been shot and explained to her everything that had been going on in the last few days. She gave me a dress to borrow and I threw out the old bloody dress. Monsieur and Madame Bellamy were more than happy to welcome me into their house because Gabrielle and I had been friends for so long, it was as if we were actually blood-related. I never told them why I had really needed to stay in their home in such short notice because I didn't want to worry them about my father or tell them the details of my relationship with Erik.

I wanted to leave their house as soon as I could because I felt as if I had overstayed my welcome. One or two weeks I could understand, but I had been staying for three weeks now. Of course, Madame Bellamy would not hear of me leaving until I was absolutely ready and had another suitable place to stay.

"Alright." Madame Bellamy said with a warm smile. "I'll be back in a few minutes with your tea." She then left the room.

Barely five seconds had passed before Gabrielle said, "Alright, she's gone! Now tell me again!"

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you so interested in the Opera Ghost's features? I've described them to you several times now!"

"I know, I know. But he sounds so. . .handsome!"

"Why wouldn't he be?"

"Well, you know the vile rumors. . ."

"Well, put those rumors aside. Those people are just blindly guessing. I've actually seen him! I know what he looks like."

"You've done more than just see the Opera Ghost." We both laughed.

"Yes, I know. But I won't go into detail with that. . ."

"Isn't it true though? That he has an ugly deformity?"

"I've told you before before: Yes, he does havea deformity. But there's so much more to him than that."

"How could you stand to look at his face if it's so wickedly scarred?"

"It's more about looking at it with your heart and not so much with your eyes."

"Such words of wisdom!" Gabrielle giggled. "So how does Erik act with you now that you're just friends? Have you visited him lately?"

"I visited him a few days ago. It was very. . .nice."

"Nice? That's it?"

"Well, our visits were certainly awkward at first, but Erik opened up again and we're good friends now." I thought for a moment before adding, "Oh, and you know what? He's convincing Messieurs Firmin and Andre to allow women to play in the orchestra!" I exclaimed.

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