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Ember blows her nose and sniffles as warm tears slide down her face. She can't breathe through her nose at all and her throat feels like it's on fire.

"I d-don't feel good mommy."

Mary's heart hurts to see her daughter in so much discomfort, but there's nothing she can do except give her medicine and let her rest in bed. It doesn't help that she's sick too and that Alec doesn't want to come home because he 'can't get sick' and because he doesn't want to take care of them.

They've both got the flu and today was the first day that they had medicine because they had to wait an entire day to actually see the doctor after they'd made an appointment. Mary's pretty much been off the grid because she's sick and taking care of a sick Ember and she doesn't sleep because her stuffy nose and sore throat make it impossible to get comfortable, so she kind of just does what she needs to and passes out beside Ember.

She pushes Ember's blonde hair away from her face and presses a kiss to her forehead, "I know sweetie. I'm so sorry." Mary glances at the clock to check the time to make sure she can give Ember her medicine again and ease some of her pain, "Are you ready for your medicine again? I know you don't like it, but it'll help your throat and make you sleepy again."

The medicine makes them feel like they've been asleep for years, but at least it helps and it puts them to sleep instead of letting their illness keep them up. Ember hates the taste of hers because she refuses to switch to pills, but Mary lets her chase it with a Reeses cup. She spoils her to death, but she's been trying to refrain so it doesn't get to her head. However, she does let a few things slip every now and again, the Reeses cups being one of them.

Ember groans and pushes her lips out in a pout, "I don't wanna. It tastes icky."

Mary laughs lightly and her lips lift up in a soft smile, "I know sweetheart, but it'll make you feel better. Plus, you get another Reeses cup when you take it."

Ember remains stubborn and shakes her head. She's already had one dose and she was sick of it already. It did make her sleepy and it did make her throat feel better, but the taste was just too bad for her to even want to take it for the chocolate.

She watches as her mommy sighs and closes her eyes because she's exhausted and she knows that Ember needs to take her medicine, "What if I take my medicine with you?"

She can see how tired and sick that her mommy is as well and she decides to give in because she knows that she's just being an adult and trying to help, "Okay, mommy."

Mary almost sighs in relief because she really just wants her little girl to get better and to get some more sleep because being awake is absolute torture. She gets up to head downstairs and get Ember's medicine because it has to be refrigerated, but she only makes it to the edge of the bed when Ember pleads that she take her with her.

She doesn't like being sick and alone and Mary can't resist her pout, so she ends up using nearly all of her energy to carry her downstairs and sit her on the countertop.

Ember limply swings her feet as she waits for her mommy to measure her medicine and find her a Reeses cup. It doesn't take her very long and she grimaces when the white liquid is handed to her.

Mary gives her a look that tells her she needs to take it and she throws back her head and tries to swallow it all without any of it actually hitting her tongue. Ember nearly gags because a lot of the liquid got on her tongue. The Reeses cup is in her mouth in less than three seconds and Mary's laughing as she has one for herself.

"You know, if you don't like drinking your medicine, the pills don't taste bad. All you have to do is swallow them and then you're done."

She's trying to convince Ember to take that step the next time that she needs medicine because, really, it's an effort to get her to take any of her medicine and something's gotta change before Mary ends up losing her mind.

She Lays Down [h.s.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz