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Author's Note: Two chapters left! Sorry that this is a little short :( I hope you like it anyway! <3

"Why are there so many people?"

Mary smiles as Ember takes her hand and walks a little closer to her, "Because a lot of families like to come here for the holidays, even if it's cold out."

She doesn't really understand why all of these people want to ride roller coasters in cold air, but she does understand the want to see the light show. Every year the park does a Christmas light show and they even bring people in to sing and dance.

Ember loves being her for the light show, even though it happens later in the day and her cheeks feel numb from the temperature. Her mother hasn't brought her to see the show since she was four though. It probably had to do with her father because he never liked to do things with them and that's around the time she started to hear her mother crying.

They walk a little further and she spots the tallest roller coaster in the park, "Are you going to ride that one, mom?"

Mary laughs and shakes her head, "I don't think so. I'm sure that dad will go on with you, if you want. He seems to like these things as much as you do."

Harry stops talking to Claire for a moment to add, "I most certainly will."

Ember smiles as she shakes her head, "I'm not tall enough to ride. I want you to go on with mom and tell me how it is!"

Mary hates roller coasters. She's never liked them at all. Claire dragged her on one when they were teenagers and she nearly had a heart attack. The height isn't the problem, it's the speed and the loops and the way that her stomach drops that are the problem.

But she loves her daughter and she's gone on a good number of rides that scare her half to death just to make sure that she's happy.

She's silent for a little too long and Ember's worried that the plan might not work.

"Alright, I'll go on it with dad. But only if you promise to be good for Aunt Claire."

Claire laughs and Ember puts on her best smile, "Yes, ma'am!"

The lines aren't incredibly long, but they aren't incredibly short either. Mary convinces Ember to take Harry and Claire on a few before she rides the tallest one with Harry. She's absolutely terrified and she's stalling for time as much as she can.

Four roller coaster's later and she's still not ready. Ember's getting thirsty, so they stop at one of the vendors to buy her one of those collectible cups that she can refill all day for a dollar instead of paying nine something for a drink.

Harry's caught on to the pattern now and he grins as he bumps Mary's shoulder and leans closer so that Ember won't hear him. "You're afraid of roller coasters, aren't you?"

Mary shrinks away with slightly wide eyes, "Not afraid, I just don't them is all."

He takes her hand and entwines their fingers, "You'll be fine, just hold my hand and keep your eyes open."

She wants to yell and ask him why the hell she would want to keep her eyes open, but Ember and Claire are right there and she really doesn't make a scene. Instead, she settles with a rather loud whisper, "Keep my eyes open!? Why on earth would I want to do that!?"

A soft laugh, "To see the sights from a different view! It's beautiful up there! Plus, I've heard that people tend to feel sick when they close their eyes on rides like that."

Mary mumbles and he almost doesn't hear her over the sound of a passing roller coaster.

"Do I get out of it if I get sick now?"

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