Chapter 15: Chloe

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Komar’s POV

Chloe are you there.

Chloe are you there?



Yes, what do you want? I gave you control. What more do you want? Why can’t you leave me in peace?

We are visiting Mr. Valentine and Ms. Callahan. Don’t you want to speak to them?

Why? What is the point? He is gone.

Stop being such a ninny. He is not coming back. He died for our daughter. We have Zea now. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get on with your life.

I did.

You are a cold-hearted bitch. Not everybody gets over heartbreak as easily as you.

It has been a century now! You have mourned enough.

Come back to me. Come back to us.

Why are you visiting Darien and Helena? What do you want from them?

Just business honey, don’t worry.

That’s no answer. What do you want from them?

Fine. We are invading Roke, a planet that hosts a different life form. The aliens taste scrumptiously, even better than demons. And their blood works like a drug. It increases your senses. It is exhilarating.

I am setting up blood bottling factories at Roke, shipping huge quantities of it back to Earth. But I need distributors to sell it.

Darien and Helena would be perfect; they don’t care for anything but fun and a full wallet. And I need their connections in the underworld.

You are crazy. You are seriously thinking of going into the drug business?

Not thinking. I am already doing it. As we speak, Zea is heading towards Roke with an battle fleet of vampires that will conquer and control it.

What? You want to control an entire planet? Have you lost your mind?!? There are not nearly enough vampires for that…

I gave Magnus the order to turn as much aliens as possible to replenish our losses and create an army that nobody have ever seen before. Every single soldier a vampire. With that we will invade Earth and every other planet that hosts eatable aliens.

Don’t you have enough power?

Nah, it isn’t about power. I need something new. I am so bored.

You are crazy. I won’t help you.

Then I will murder Helena and Darien. They will not cooperate without your consent. And to get other distributors, I will need to set an example of what happens if you don’t cooperate.

NO!!! I will destroy us if you kill them. I’ll release Silver and let him eat us from the inside out.

Please do. I don’t give a sh*t. That would cease my boredom as well.

What? You are not serious.


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