Chapter 26: Big Badda Boom

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Uhmm...just so you know: Mature content at the end of the chapter... :-D

Anastasia’s POV

As we slowly entered the planet’s atmosphere and began falling towards its surface, Peter swam up and curled himself around me, trying to protect me against the inevitable crash.

The mosquito entered a dizzying spin and the liquid started to swirl around us, slowly forming bubbles that popped when they met our bodies.

It was the most beautiful and most frightening experience of my life.

At some point I got used to the centrifugal forces and wrapped my arms around Peter to hug him back.

“How much longer before we crash?” he asked me.

“Three minutes.”

He brushed some hair away from my face. “Anastasia, I want you to know something.”

I looked up and saw that we were turning slower than the liquid around us. Mesmerized by the contrast of his profile against the moving background I studied his lips.

He really had the most amazingly kissable lips for a man.

He scraped his throat and continued.

“This started as an order from my father. And I fought bitterly against it, as you are only a half blood. But when I met you something changed. You intrigued me. You were strong, but damaged. Intelligent. Mysterious. Beautiful.”

I smiled.

“I felt compelled to get to know you. To know what made you tick.”


He smiled, “I am not finished yet.”

He put his head in my neck and pushed his lips against my throat.

“I am sorry for poisoning you. If we survive this I will do anything to find a way out of this mess.”

I moved back to look in his eyes.

“You mean there might be a way out? There might be an antidote?”

“Yes.” He responded just before we crashed to the ground and the craft disintegrated around us.

Kieran’s POV

I let the waitress’ body sink into the thrash pit that was located a few meters behind the village and cleaned my mouth with her handkerchief. A souvenir.

We had played doctor for a while. Well, I did an autopsy on her body, mainly focusing on the heart area, while she played dead. These blue berries, interestingly enough, had a heart that was almost twice the size of that of a human and their intestines were longer and more intricately twisted.

Although their blood had nothing of the drug-like quality of the Smurfs, it was thick, sweet and pleasantly aromatic.

I licked my lips and burped. Oh God, I was full. The waitress had been a big girl. Just what I needed.

I stretched and walked back to the Inn, hoping that Zea would have cooled down by now. I didn’t expect her to stay in the room, but I hope a little hunt would have taken her mind off of my tease.

Nothing better to enlighten the mood as some good food.

Whistling I hopped upstairs and knocked on the door.


No answer.

I listened to the door and heard nothing. Relieved I took out the key and opened the door.

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