A Day with Cayden

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Sarah, Rebecca, and Cayden got popcorn and soda, then went in to see the movie. None of them had ever seen the movie, but Cayden Rebecca had seen the trailers. She thought it was the perfect movie to frighten Sarah, and let Cayden make a move on her.

Rebecca was totally team Cayden. She thought it would be nice for Sarah to had a human male friend; Perhaps a human male who's a little more than a friend.

It was about thirty minutes into the movie when Rebecca heard foot steps moving into the theatre room. Rebecca didn't pay it any mind, which is just what he was counting on. The footsteps moved closer and closer. The person sat in the seat positioned right behind Rebecca and Sarah. Rebecca noticed this but she wasn't entirely sure if she should be worried or not, so she kept her guard up while still enjoying the movie.


Rebecca quickly turned her head to Sarah, who she saw was now wrapped in Cayden's arms as she was frightened by the movie. Rebecca smiled, imagining them as husband and wife. Not that either of them have shown true affection towards each other, but hey, a girl can dream right? Neither she nor Sarah new too much about Cayden, but Rebecca certainly planned on finding out the whole life story.

As the movie went on, the person behind Rebecca and Sarah would move their feet. Finally, Rebecca decided to look at who it was, but they wearing a hat, hiding their face. All Rebecca could tell was that they we're male. Rebecca decided to just ignore them, for she is probably just over thinking things when there is nothing to worry about. As the movie finished, everyone started leaving the theatre. As Rebecca started to stand, she felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice speak into her ear.

"Hey cupcake, remember me? "

Rebbeca quickly turned around, shocked at voice she just heard. She saw no one. No one but the crowd of people leaving the theatre. Rebbeca continued to follow her friends, while desperately hoping, with all her heart, what she heard was only in her head. As she exited the theatre, Rebbeca tried to get it out of her mind and continue to have a good time.

A few hours later, everyone started to get a little tired. Rebecca hadn't heard any more creepy voices, so she thought it would be fine to let Cayden take Sarah home on his own, so Rebecca left a little early.

"Thank you for taking me home. " Sarah said to Cayden as they arrived at her house.

"No problem, we should hang out again some time. "

"Yeah. It's nice to get away from the vampires. "

"What about Rebbeca? She's a vampire. "

"Yeah, but Rebbeca's really nice to me, compared to those other two. "

"That's right. Doesn't one them live here? " Cayden asked as he looked at the house.

"Yeah, but, I'll be fine. "

"Alright but, if you ever need help, you can just call me."

"Thank you for that, I really appreciate it. " Sarah said as the door behind her started to open.

Before anyone else got the chance to say anything, Micheal dragged Sarah into the house, and looking straight at Cayden.

"Go away. " Micheal said as he shut the door in Cayden's face. He then looked at Sarah.

"Make me some food. " Micheal demanded in a dull tone. Sarah sighed, and walked over to the kitchen. Sarah made Micheal and herself some soup. Michael's favorite. Not wanting to be around Micheal, Sarah ate in the kitchen, with Micheal in the dining room. Once she finished he souip, Sarah cleaned her bowl (and Michael's when he was finished) and went to bed, hoping to see Cayden again soon.

When Sarah woke up, she felt really exhausted, which was strange. She didn't have anything she needed to do, so she decided to stay in bed. Sarah got to sleep for about another twenty minutes until she woke up by the movement of her bed. She turned herself around and came face to face with Joshua. Before she could realize what was going on, he made an evil chuckle as he quickly placed himself over her. Sarah tried to struggle away.

"Get away from me! " Sarah yelled as she slapped and shoved his chest is defense. He only laughed. Joshua leaned his head over her neck.

"So, I heard that Cayden kid brought you home yesterday. Did you kiss? " Joshua stated, only trying to annoy Sarah. She said nothing, only continuing to try and get him off. Joshua leaned his head more and bit into Sarah. Sarah flopped her arms down on the bed, no longer bothering to continue to get Joshua off. She figured it was best to just loose some blood rather than her blood and energy. She was already exhausted.

About ten minutes later, Joshua removed his teeth from Sarah's neck.

"Thanks for the meal. " He smirked. He got off of Sarah and walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets.

Joshua stepped into the dining room where Micheal was and sat down.

"I saw you bit her yesterday. Are you glad I got her for you? " Joshua asked his friend who sitting across from him with his head on the table.

"I didn't bite her yesterday. " Micheal replied in a bored tone.

"You don't have to lie. I saw the bite marks. It was clear you bit her last night. " Joshua stated, a little annoyed his friend was lying to him.

"I'm not lying. I didn't bite her. " Micheal said, looking up to his friend. He too was slightly annoyed that Joshua didn't believe him.

"Then where did the bite marks come from? " Joshua asked, a little curious but mostly bored.

"I don't know. " Micheal said, not really caring.

"You think Rebbeca did it? "

"No. "

As the boys now sat in silence, Sarah lied on her bed, although this time, she wasn't able to go back to sleep. About an hour later, her phone rang.
"Hello? "

"Hey. "

"Hi Cayden! "

" *laugh* I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the park tonight? "


"Alright, cool. I'll see you then. "

"Okay. "



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