Chapter 5

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Adrian's POV

"I-Its been twenty minutes."

Usually, I like to say I'm a mild-mannered guy. Other people say that's a lie. But, right then, I... I-I lost it.

I slapped Jace across the face. "Grow up! You aren't the only one who lost a sibling tonight! My brother was there! Do you see me pouting like a big dumb baby?" With that, I stood up and walked away.

I really hated doing that, I really did. Jace was probably one of the only ones that understands me, and I felt like I took that for granted.

Either way, it was necessary. He had to get his head in the game. Sitting around crying would do nothing to help. We had to help.

Looking around, it looked like we had to give all we could.

To put it simply, it looked like crap. Dead and injured were lying on ratty cots, the ones who could walk scurrying around, way over their heads in work. It looked like they hadn't slept in weeks, even though the attack was only half an hour ago.

So I set to work, helping whoever I could wherever. I got people their mediacal attention, helped dispose of dead bodies. I even saved a guy from death by defibrillator.

I was carrying about 50 pounds of ibuprofen (because it's completely safe to have that much ibuprofen), when I tripped over a cot. I spilled the containers of CVS-Brand medication all over the floor.

As I went to retrieve one of the canisters, another arm reached for a different one. I looked up to see Jace returning my gaze. He had his signature expression, which was basically, 'I'm trying to look like I'm emotionless, but I'm actually very sad'. Without saying a word, we continued working.

With our combined work power, we took care of all the jobs assigned to us in half an hour. Once there was nothing else to do, we sat back on some cots and caught our breath.

Nothing can clam you more than hard working. It completely cleanses the mind, and the heart. It was also a preety good workout. Always a plus.

Breathing heavily, I looked over a Jace and said, "Look, sorry about what I said. You know I can get a little worked up after fights." I felt like I had to apologize after what I'd said.

"Nah, man, you were right. I just needed something to get my head back in the game," He replied, lying back on his cot. After that, he started humming a tune that was drilled into my skull.

I smiled, and muttered under my breath, "Coach said to fake right, and break left..." I finished, not knowing any more of the song.

Jace did. "Watch out for the pick, keep an eye on defense," He said, not even making an attempt to sing.

Some random kid ran up and said, "If you two were trying to keep your head in the game, you'd see that your friends woke up!"

"They did?!" We cried in unison, as we turned our heads to see that they were (attempting) to sit up.

Jace and I hopped up and sprinted across the room, completely disregarding the few people who were trying to work.

The two of us reached Flynn and Kiri-Lee in seconds and saw that Katilyn, Allani, and Sarah were already there.

"-give me details, big bro! What happened? How did you survive?" Allani cried, shaking his brother a little harder than needed.

Kiri-Lee looked over at Flynn. "I'll trust you with this one, I need to lie down..." She mumbled, flopping onto the makeshift bed.

"Okay, let me flashback," He said as he started moving his fingers, trying to create a ripple effect.
Flynn's POV

"Oh no! What do we do, Flynn?" Shane cried, hiding like a coward.

"Don't worry, my love!" Abagail said, protecting me from all the demons coming our way.

I stepped up and said, "I have a plan!"

I ran over to the large doors and pulled them open. "Okay, all of you through the door!"

"Isn't that just running away?" Brooke said, sounding like a whining child.

"Oh, you poor, silly child," I cooed. "This isn't running away, this is just tactically retreating!"

"Yeah, Brooke!" Kiri-Lee said, which Brooke responded to with a stuck out tounge.

Shane, Kiri-Lee, and Brooke ran through the doors, leaving only me and Abagail fending for ourselves.

"MY love! Why didn't you go through the doors?" I cried, breaking a demon's neck with my staff.

"No, you are the one that must leave! I will keep you safe as you escape! Your life is much more important than-"
Adrian's POV

"Jace! Jace! Stop strangling my brother!" Allani yelled as Jace continued to throttle Flynn.

I pulled him away, pulled his arms behind his back, and said, "Calm down, calm down buddy. Deep breaths... in, and out. In... and out."

Despite what I said, he continued to try to struggle out of my grasp. Flynn, on the other hand was gasping for breath, and looking at Jace like he did nothing wrong.

"Come on dude, his sister just died!" Sarah yelled. "Can't you be a little considerate and not manipulate the story?" Sarah cried, almost (seriously, she had her hand up) slapping Flynn.

Kiri-Lee sat up from her cot and mumbled, "Yeah, I should've know that you would screw it up. Good job, you completely shattered a child's dreams. Hope you feel good about yourself." With that, she plopped down onto the cot.

"Sister, if I have ever done anything good for-" Katilyn started.

"Let me stop you right there," Kiri-Lee interrupted. "You've done nothing but insult me and take my money to fund your dumb experiments."

"You WILL bite your words when I end up on the cover of People Magazine when I become the richest child In America!" She replied snotily.

From across the shelter, a kid yelled, "Everyone, Sensei's here!"

A&D Book 1: Amulets & Demons (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now