Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"The pack house?" I repeated, and Ashton nodded rolling his eyes,

"Yes, the pack house. As in, the place us vampires live. Do I have to repeat myself again, or do you get it?" I glared at him, and he just chuckled, as he walked away. I turned to Thomas who was looking around, and he shrugged at me.

We both followed Ashton into the pack house, "I guess since we're here, you can meet our leader." I nodded, and just continued to follow him. The house was so...big. It looked like a mansion. There were pictures everywhere. Some of old people, some of young. I even noticed Ashton in half of them.

Ashton walked towards a staircase, and I used my vamp speed to climb them. I looked down at Ashton and Thomas, who were just taking their first step. I smirked,

"You guys are so slow, are we meeting the leader today or next week?" Suddenly, Ashton appeared in front of me. He stood really close, instantly making me warm,

"Oh, I can be fast baby." He said, making me look away with flushed cheeks. He laughed, and started to walk away. Thomas appeared in front of me next. He pointed at Ashton's retreating back,

"Tell me again, nothing is going on between you two-"

"Nothing is going on between us. So, stop acting like an overbearing brother. And, stop treating me like a child. Now, if you don't mind. We have a leader to meet." I followed Ashton leaving behind an angry older brother.

Ashton walked towards a door and knocked. We heard a deep voice yell come in. Ashton opened the door for me, and almost hit Thomas with the door. The two glared at each other, making me roll my eyes.

I looked forward and noticed a tall, buff but not-too-buff guy, sitting behind a desk. He had gray, intense eyes, that were basically glaring at Thomas and I. He had blonde, curly hair. Making him look like a scary teddy bear.

"Are they trespassers?" That was the first thing he said, looking us over. He turned to Ashton with a raised eyebrow. Ashton shook his head,

"They're not trespassers. They live in the house the humans call, 'hunted.' Ring a bell?" Suddenly, the leader changed completely. He smiled a hollywood smile. White, straight teeth included. His eyes changed from they're piercing stormy gray, to a light green.

Now he just looked like a teddy bear.

"Oh! They guys who are gonna officially be apart of the pack soon. It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Grant." He walked towards us, and extended his hand. Thomas shook his hand first, and then he turned to me. He shook my hand, with a tight grip. So, I gripped his hand too. He chuckled,

"You're strong. I like it." He said smiling at me, Ashton cleared his throat glaring at him. He looked between Ashton and I, until he stared at Ashton. Suddenly he smirked,

"I see." I was confused, what did he see? "You must be Elizabeth, and Thomas." I nodded, and he just smiled. He extended his hand towards the seats, that were In front of the desk, "Have a seat."

I sat down in the black leather sofa, that made a squeaky noise when I sat. Thomas was next. When he sat down he started to talk to the leader, "So, I hear you found your mate?" Thomas said, and I watched as his smile immediately brightened,

"Yes, my love, Eleanor. She's amazing." He had a dreamy look on his face, "It was love at first sight." I felt eyes on me, so I looked over and caught Ashton's eyes. Immediately he looked away, and I looked back at Grant feeling confused. Grant looked between Ashton and I with a smirk on his face. What's up with that?

"How did you know that she was the one? Your mate? How can you tell?" I was surprised Thomas was the one asking this. He seemed generally into the question. Grant smiled at Thomas,

"Easy. I felt the connection. I felt warm around her, and for a vampire that felt great. It wasn't just that. I was...aware of her. Her everything. The way her eyes would brighten up when she smiled, the way she scrunched her little nose when she's thinking. She's just...perfect." I froze. That sounds like Ashton....

No! We can't possibly be....mates. Can we? I noticed that Thomas tensed too. I immediately knew it was time to go, "That's so cute. I have to go. I mean....we have to go. We're having dinner with our neighbors tonight, so our mom needs us home." I looked up at Ashton, and immediately our eyes connected.

He opened his mouth, but I quickly walked away. Thomas sensing something was wrong, followed me. I waved at Grant, and he waved back. I quickly walked down the stairs, using my vamp speed. Immediately, I was in front of the door.

I walked out, Thomas following. Arnold and Archie smiled, and I gave them a small smile when suddenly I felt a hand on my arm, stopping me from walking forward. I immediately knew who it was, when I felt the warm tingles going up my arm.

"Let me go." I said, in a surprisingly calm voice. I was turned around, and Ashton was looking into my eyes with some emotion. He shook his head,

"Let me explain-"

"Let you explain?! Ashton, I've known your for like...two weeks now. You couldn't have explained then?!" I was shouting now, and Thomas tensed, pulling me away from Ashton. Ashton glared at Thomas, but returned his eyes to me,


"Don't call me baby! I'm not your baby!" Ashton's mouth was open, like he was about to say something. But, I just shook my head. I frowned, and we just continued to stand there, staring at each other.

"Are we mates, Ashton?" I asked slowly, and he looked down. He looked back up,


"Are we mates, Ashton?" Slowly he nodded,

"Yes." He whispered. I turned around, and started to walk towards the forest. Ashton started calling my name, but I could hear Thomas telling him to stay away. I slowly started to breathe again, not even realizing that I stopped. I need blood.

___________________SMEXY KITTEN______________________

It's short. But, I updated. So, you should love me. I'll probably update tomorrow or something. I'm too....tired. Even though it' o'clock.





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