Chapter 19

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Chapter 20 or 19

Two weeks later:

The minute mom heard about me meeting Ashton's parents, she invited them over for lunch. I tried to tell mom that she didn't have to, but she insisted.

So, now here we are, getting ready to have a big family lunch. Mom cooked lunch, Thomas had to lock away our vampire dog, Marcus. And, I tried to lock away uncle- I mean, Thomas locked away the dog....yeah.

We had to put caution tape over the downstairs bathroom, so no one could go in there. It sucks that you have to go upstairs just to use the bathroom, but they could seriously die from the smell. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies.

"Guys chill, Ashton's parents are laid back people." I said, placing my foot on the coffee table, as I relaxed on the sofa after going hunting with Thomas. Mom pushed my feet making them fall on the ground making a loud thud. She glared at me,

"I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but they're the clans leaders." I rolled my eyes,

"Of course I remember," Honestly, I kind of forgot, "But, trust me when I say this. They're nice, humble, down to earth people. They're just normal, nice people. Except for Ashton's mom, she's just weird, and she's already talking grand babies." I said frowning at the thought. Mom suddenly gave me a bright smile,

"You and Ashton would make beautiful babies-"

"Oh, not you too, mom. I'm too young to be talking babies right now." I said, giving my mom my serious face. She frowned,

"Babe, you're like two hundred." I frowned,

"I'm sixteen in human years." Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes. Thomas walked downstairs, looking a hundred years older.He's been stressed lately, because he finally told Martha the truth. Long story short, she freaked.

Of course, she came to me and I told her it was true. She's been ignoring us for two weeks, until finally I confronted her. She was breaking my brothers heart by ignoring him, and I wasn't having any of that. So, basically I told her to get over it, and then I invited her to this lunch thing.

Hopefully she'll show.

"Did I hear something about grand babies?" Thomas asked sitting next to me, putting his feet on the coffee table. Mom gave Thomas a death glare, and he raised his arms in mock surrender,

"What did I do?" She looked at his feet then back at him. After a few seconds, he finally got it, and slowly put his feet back on the ground. Mom groaned,

"Great, now I have to clean the coffee table." I rolled my eyes, as she walked into the kitchen to get stuff to clean the table. Thomas looked over at me, his green eyes suddenly looked sad,

"I tried to talk to Martha yesterday," I nodded for him to continue, "But, when she saw me coming towards her she walked the other way." Thomas had no idea that I invited Martha to this lunch thing. What would happen if she didn't show? He would be even more heart-broken.

"She'll get over it, soon. If not I could always threaten her-"

"I'm pretty sure that would make it worst." Thomas interrupted me. I sighed and nodded in agreement,

"I'll talk to her, because she needs to get over it soon. If she continues to break your heart, I'm going to have to knock some sense into her." I said, frowning at the thought of my brother hurting even more. He sighed,

"Let's just hope it never comes to that. We have to let her have her space." I frowned, but nodded my head in agreement. Little did he know...

"Hey, if it isn't my favorite niece and nephew." Uncle said walking in the room with just boxers on, with a jar of Nutella. I groaned as Thomas faked gagged.

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