Chapter Eleven

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First book ^^

I have decided that from now on, due the amount of incredible comments you guys leave me, I'm going to pick a top commenter from the last chapter!

The reason I want to do this, is because your comments mean so much to me! And I really want to cement that fact for you guys.

My top commenter last chapter is LuliTeixeira because she has really got into the book, and left a whole novel basically in the comments, so I felt obliged to thank her for that (:

Word Count: 1627


I sit silently, staring out the window. Coen sits in the drivers seat, sitting calmly at fifty miles an hour. (I have no clue how miles work by the way)

I can't believe this is happening right now. Kaden has ordered me to be escorted to the Power Pack, for me to start my mission. If you can even call it that...

"How much longer?" I ask, breaking the silence that had settled between us hours ago. We neighbour the Power Pack, yet are so far from them. I can even feel my legs begin to cramp up.

"Not long," he mutters. Not long? Great elaboration.

Coen is awfully silent on our ride. It's unnerving...The reason seems obvious, so I decide I need to investigate further.

"What do you think about this mission?" I question apprehensively. The word mission tastes sour in my mouth. What kind of mission involves killing an unborn child? Maybe I should ask a Discipline Pack member, since they are usually the only ones who do this sort of thing.

Coen's jaw clenched at my words, his fingers seeming to grip the steering wheel. The sigh that comes out of his mouth doesn't seem angry, but extremely depressed. I can only imagine how he is feeling right now.

"It doesn't matter what I think," he mutters. It's as if he shuts down from that point. I have ever wanted to look inside someone's mind so much before. The brooding look in his eyes gives me a curious edge.

Immediately upon arrival at the Power Pack, we are let in. At first I assumed that they would force us to stop and check out ID at the very least. This is supposed to be the most Powerful Pack, that ensures it stays that way.

I give Coen a questioning glance. "They know this is Kaden's car."

We drive in. Immediately I'm struck with the sight of the place. The large wall the separates the Pack from the outside world did a good job of concealing the treasures hidden inside...

The road we drive onto is surrounded by exotic greenery. I only find such plants foreign because I haven't grown up here, but admittedly it is so different here to any Pack I've ever seen. But what really drives in the differences between Packs, is the security mulling around.

Even as we continue driving, we can't seem to shake them.

"Where exactly are we heading?" I ask, meeting the gaze of one of the guards as we drive past. The stone cold glaze over his eyes makes me shiver; it's obvious to see how serious they take their jobs.

"To Alpha Landon's estate at the edge of the Pack," Coen informs me. My heart skips a beat. After being cooped up back in the Purity Pack all my life, I can safely say this is my first adventure. Winding the window down, I realise that even the soft air that kisses my skin is different.

"Isn't that on the edge of a cliff?" I ask, trying to remember my Geography classes back at school.

Coen nods slowly. "The same cliff Althea threw Kace off."

Alpha Kaden | ✔️ (Published)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ