Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter will contain some explicit content toward the end!

If you are reading this, you are a follower! Due to Wattpad rules, this chapter had to be privatized.

Although, there will be a warning before it starts, so you can stop reading the chapter if you AREN'T interested in reading that kind of thing...

Top Commenter: Carebears_Rule
(Love your username by the way :D)
And reinerqueen

Word Count: 2138


Skidding to a stop, I gaze around at my surroundings. Incredible, they are. Grayson has lead me deep into the woods, until he made me stop at a small clearing. From running for so long, I just want to collapse on the fallen leaves below me.

Being able to shift, and run properly with no aim really expelled Kaden from my mind, but now, as I stand idle, his cruel eyes crawl their way back into my subconscious.

I wonder what he's doing right now?

The sight of Grayson shifting in front of me brings me back to reality. Naked men will forever not irk me now.

When he gazes at me expectantly, I instantly shake my head. I am honestly quite happy staying in my Wolf form, where my naked body is away from his prying eyes. He rolls his eyes at me, as if he can read my thoughts.

"Come on, there is no part of your female anatomy that I haven't seen before," he says smoothly. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

Does he think that's going to convince me?

"Fine. I'll turn away and promise I won't look," he tells me blandly. This, I can agree with.

Even though he seems a little disheartened, he turns around, so I can shift back to my normal form. Quickly, before he can turn around, I dart behind a tree.

"Mara?" He questions into the air, when he turns around to see I am no longer where I once was. Instead, I'm cowering behind a tree completely naked.

I pop my head around the base of the trunk. "May I be of assistance?"

"What are you doing behind there?"

"What do you think?"

He chuckles, and shakes his head.

"Fine, be that way. But you're not getting my gift then," Grayson says smugly. I narrow my eyes at him. He never said anything about a gift...

I watch him walk behind another tree, and rustle around in a pile of leaves. To my surprise, he pulls up a dagger.

"It was my parents. I wanted to give it to you, because I want to teach you how to fight," he said. My eyes widen. He wants to each me how to fight.

Nervously, I stroll around the edge of the tree. Grayson keeps his eyes on mine, not even glancing down at my body as if he's not even interested. Instead, he just casually hands me the knife.

I twist it in my hand. It's beautiful. The handle is painted with black ink, creating beautiful swirling patterns. And he wants to give this to me?

"I can't accept it," I say, trying to hand him the knife. Instead, he steps back, holding his hands up.

"Please do. Tomorrow, I will teach you exactly how to use it. You want to win this game don't you?"

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