Chapter 16

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*Neville Pov*

"Why are you smiling so much?" I heard a irritating voice and turned to see Aunt standing along with a smile on her face.

"Now, I should be the one who can ask that question. Why are you smiling so much, step aunt?" I asked to which she shrugged.

"Because I have a good news which I don't want to share with you." She replied making me raise my eyebrow.

"No one is idle here to know some reason for your happiness." I said to which she gave a sarcastic laugh.

"There is one who is idle and that is you in this whole house or even country." She said to which I glared at her before walking away.

She just spoiled my happy mood which didn't stop from the last week when Yash and I exchanged our feelings.

"Who is going to die?" I heard a question bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see Yash getting down from his bike and is grinning at me.

"We need to talk." I said in a serious tone and dragged me away from the main gate.

"Are we already breaking up? But we just started dating." He complained teasingly but stopped when I threw a hard glare.

"You love me and I love you. Will you come with me away from this place?" I asked and he stared at me like I am blabbering some rubbish.

"You mean out of India?" He asked and I nodded to which he sighed shaking his head.

"My family is here and even the store which I treasure too much. I can't leave all this and come." He said and I frowned but nodded understanding his feelings which he always mention whenever I get bored to make me more bored.

"And no one from my family will never step out of India." He added and I stared at him with shock covering my face.

"What? Are you joking?" I asked giving a small laugh but he shook his head.

"No! No one of us even have a passport to start with. And each promised to never even think about it to my Uncle on a serious occasion." He said with a serious expression.

"What is this occasion? My mothers marriage so that she will never leave him and go near her daughter?" I asked with sarcasm but he shook his head.

"By the time Aunt took the promise, it was already there and the occasion was my grandfather's death that is my mom's father." He explained while I just stared at him.

"What actually happened?" I asked not having any patience to get one point after another slowly.

"Your Mom's marriage was already fixed to my Uncle when she was leaving to study architecture in California. But she called a month before wedding saying that she already got married with Ben. My grandfather who was very ill and waiting for Uncle's marriage as my Mom already got married and even had me. He died that day with worry and the blame went on your mom. So, they all promised to never even think about out of India dreams along with my uncle itself." He explained and I shook my head for a second.

"Are you guys mad? How can my mom kill someone in Kolkata from California? You are the one who is saying that he is ill and again saying that she killed him." I said rubbing my forehead.

"It may seem silly for you but this is how it from many years even before you born." He said shrugging.

"Ok, ok! So, my Mom met my Dad while having her studies and to top of that my Dad's business was never into architecture but still they both met and married." I said nearly talking to myself.

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