Part iii- Revelations

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 When I get back, I stumble up the stairs before collapsing onto my bed. I cry myself to sleep that night. Not even the moonlight coming through the gap in my curtains could comfort me.


I walk into school the next morning and someone calls out my name in the cold dry air.


I stop and look to see my friends clustered by the school main doors. I hurry towards them, school bag bumping against my leg.

“There you are Delilah! We were wondering when you were going to get here! Seriously!” Sophie says, her arms crossed. Everyone else around her do the same thing, all of them look at me disapprovingly.

“Oh, I’m…”

But any apology I could have made is immediately drowned out by Sophie’s voice. She claps her hands together.

“So we’re all meeting up on Saturday aren’t we?”

Everyone else nods in agreement. But I don’t know what they are talking about.

“What about Saturday?” I ask quietly. Everyone looks at me whilst Sophie rolls her eyes.

“On Saturday, we’re going to see that new horror film that’s just come out, obviously.  So, are you coming?”

I don’t even like horror films. They scare me senseless.  I falter as they all stared at me, their eyes scarily unmoving, like an appraising owl sitting in a dark tree hollow.

“You are coming, aren’t you Delilah? I mean, we’re all friends. Aren’t we?” Sophie looks at me with her eyebrows raised. A silence stretches between us for a few seconds, but automatically, my mouth moves in response.

“Yeah, of course I’m coming!” I say, in a falsely cheery voice. Laughter breaks out and audible sighs of relief could be heard. Everyone grins at me as the morning bell rings. They all move as one, talking loudly. I can hear Sophie’s loud voice over the babble of the crowd.

“Goodness. She took forever to make up her mind.”

“I know. I have no idea why she hesitated. Who doesn’t like horror?” someone replies.

“Ha! I know.”

They all disperse into the school, leaving me by the swinging doors. And soon, I’m the only one left standing outside, with only the swirling of autumn leaves and the sad song of a bird to keep me company.


In the evening, I sit on my bed, throwing one of the teddy bears on my bed up in the air. I didn’t know why I’d agreed, but then again, I always did what they asked me too. After I had agreed, I felt empty, as though the life had been sucked out from me. The bear lands on the floor with a muffled thud and I lie down on my bed. Outside, the sky is darkening and soon I would go outside. But I’m worried. Did Oscar want to see me anymore? I didn’t mean to shout at him last night and the scene from last night makes me cover my face in shame. He didn’t deserve it. He had always been there.


“Delilah, do you ever wonder what’s going on up there in the stars?” he asks me in a thoughtful voice.

I look at him surprised. It was an odd question, and I think carefully about what to say, not wanting to make a mistake.

“Well,” I start off slowly, “in the stars, I always thought that maybe, just maybe, there were people watching us?” I finish off, my question hanging in the air. Oscar looks at me for a split second before he laughs while I turn bright red. I hit him on the arm.

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