Chapter 1 || I'm The Bloody Prince

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"That's it, men," I announce in attempts to encourage them. They are the soldiers of the kingdom. They are our only line of defense and so, must be perfect in every possible execution. They must work well together and trust each other. "Right! Left!" I call, as they each maneuver away from oncoming attacks, defending themselves from the invisible threat.

I notice Poe's footwork, faltering. He is one of my newest recruits from, Killan, one of the smaller villages in the Kingdom of Irales. He came strongly recommended, by his mentor and, the once right hand to my father, Lucian, so who was I to refuse.

I continue to guide my instruction, but give Poe and actual attacker, being myself, as I easily kick under his leg, sending him straight to the ground. "Strength your stance or it will be your downfall." Poe gives me a firm nod, eager to learn, and I help him up. "Remeber apart we fall-"

"Together we stand!" Shouts my men in unison, and I can't help the pride I feel.

After training is over, James, one of the older and most trusted of my knights, takes Poe to work on his technique. I nod my thanks to him, but he doesn't need it. James will do anything to help keep the unit. He knows like the rest if there were to be an attack our survival lies on the person fighting beside us.

I hearing booming laughter and see Conrad trying to hustle some of the others out of the little coin they have, in a game of daggers. "Oy, your highness," he shouts to me, but I can hear the patronizing tone in his voice. My father would have had his head for that, but it simply causes a chuckle out of me. "Care to go a round," he smiles, brightly because he knows I would never bet anything against him. The man can hit a moving target a hundred feet away blindfolded.

"I would but I think you have enough contenders to steal from today," I reply motioning to the rest of the men lining up to go against him. Poor fools.

He chuckles lightly, "Ah too true, till 'morrow." Before turning back to his audience.

I can't help the smile that greets my face, as I turn back to the place my training weapons away. That's when I see, Davis, my most loyal servant, walking over to me; a cheeky smile plastered across his face.

"What's gotten into you?" I ask when he is close enough to collect my sword and armor.

"Oh, nothing," he remarks, trying his hardest to rid his face of the smile.

"Remind me never to bet my life on your ability to lie. Now, out with it," I command, knowing he cannot say 'no' to a command. It's my turn to smile as he rolls his eyes.

"I heard some news regarding you and a certain lady," he began.

"I swear, you servants are worse than--well, to be honest, I don't know of anyone that gossips as much as servants. I have no stories to tell about any woman," I correct, moving past him towards the stables.

"It's not news from you. It's new for you. Keep up, Luca," he adds, still smiling.

"Well, spit it out!" I shout becoming frustrated with his ongoing game.

He doesn't cower from my outburst like any other would, which is one of the reasons I keep him around. Instead, Davis begins to ramble trying to cover his arse. "You'll have my head if you hear it from me. The King should be the one to tell you. It's his doing, after all. Besides, you would be furious with the news, but it is so damn unbelievable. You are going to go mad, but the King was the one. Yes. He did this. Not me. So he needs to tell you. It's really just gossip from me, but truth from him. That's how you should hear it, anyway. Forget I said anything."

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