Chapter 27 || Mother Is Waiting

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I wanted to run from his voice, but I was trapped everyone had heard the call from my father. It's my duty has his son to obey, then why can't I get my feet to move towards him. I haven't seen him since the day he came to my bedside when he thought I was ill with the poison Ember gave me. The day he threatened Ember's life for mine. I had never seen him care so much. Then, last night his voice was so weak, desperate. He won't want to see his deserter son. I destroyed the Kingdom. "Luca," I hear a gentle whisper beside me, and it's Ember. The call is enough to pull be back to the situation at hand.

"Get the Haerendall out of here, while I tend to my father," I order, before walking towards the small bed I slept on only some nights ago. I push back the curtain and find a small form lying there. The figure can't be that of my father. He was much smaller. His face holds a sheen of sweat and I can see traces of blood on the sheets, from a bandage that has seeped through. "Father."

The pale skin on his face stretched as his lips formed a smile, "I thought I would never lay eyes on you again." Before I could process his words my feet were already going towards him. 

"I'm here," I say, even though he can see me. I still felt the need to voice it as well. My father has never appeared so fragile in my eyes. He has always been a source of strength and authority.

"I'm sorry, son," he whimpers. I take his hand in mine. "You look so much like your mother. And-" he stopped short, regaining his weak voice. "I couldn't look at you. I failed you as a father," he finished.

There was nothing to say. I always thought I was his greatest disappointment and now, I know the truth. "I don't blame you, father. You made me strong. You made me a Prince," I state.

But he shakes his head lightly. "No, son, you are no Prince. That's been the hardest part. You have always been a King. Even as a young boy. You saw your people. You stood by your mother. You protected your knights."

"No, I didn't," I inform him of the recent events that have plagued my mind and he shakes his head lightly. 

"You are not done fighting so, how can you say you haven't. I may not have been there, but I have always seen you and I know you will save this Kingdom, and rule it well," he finished and I could hear the difficulty to speak in his voice. His words were that of 'good bye.' 

I look down at the man that lay before me and realize my father has been fighting a fight his body can't win. My eyes search for Ferbius, who seem solemn. There is nothing left for him to do. My father is dying. I want to beg for him to stay, but I know that will only hurt him. I nod and whisper, "Thank you. Mother is waiting for you." His smile was ghostly and his eyes closed softly as I felt his hand slowly let go of mine. He's gone. 

Ferbius came to my side, "You made him proud."

"No, but I will," I stated, after giving my father one last look, I will myself to leave his side and begin forming a plan to storm the castle and restore Irales. "Get me, Travis of Haerendall," I order to Conrad, who complies easily. I see Ember wipe a way a single tear, but other than that James and her stand at the ready. When Travis enters, I begin informing them of my idea. There is a lot of dividing that is involved, but with the numbers, Travis added to our cause I know it will be done. 

"Conrad you will take your men to the entrance at the north. James you will go East, stopping any of the Queens soldiers you come across. Travis you and your men will take the West besides the river front. I know of your people's strength in water."

"Oy, this savage lot will ensure no one flees to the river," Travis winks. 

"Does that put me at the southern border?" Ember asks. She had kept quiet up until this point only listening and observing. I could hear the power in her voice. I knew this meant a lot to her. She wanted to help the Kingdom and she has done nothing thus far, but prove her ability too. 

Then, what is stopping me from agreeing? My eyes meet hers and I want to say no. "More or less. You and a small group of men will infiltrate the castle waiting for the rest to join you." I had given her the hardest task of all. When the attack starts soldiers will run to protect their Queen and Ember must stop them from getting to her. 

I could see the excitement in her eyes at the task, and couldn't help the small smile that threatens to show itself.  "A group will follow me and we will take the southern border. All will meet in the castle, where we will capture Francesa and show her the strength of Irales." Beside me, Travis gives a small cough, and I add, "and our alliance with the people Haerendall." He seems pleased enough by this. "Travis I ask that you divide the men. Giving stronger swords men and combat men to Ember's group."

"Even with the weakest, she could take down that castle," he smirks at Ember, whose face hardens in annoyance, but I see the underlying pride of the comment. I give know remarks to his obvious flirtation. 

"James, check the weapons," he nods, now showing his training and readiness for the upcoming battle. "Conrad leave with two men now to check guards and borders, before the fight." Everyone left, leaving Davis, who slept, Ferbius, who was taking care of my father, and Ember.

"What am I to do, Princey?" she asked, a grin coming to her face, and I know it's out of amusement. 

"You will be coming with me," I whisper, before walking out the small house, to where men were quickly readying themselves both mentally and physically. I pulled Ember into the forest, but before I could get any further she stopped me. 

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, turning me to face her. I didn't want to do this in the house. I need to talk to her, but just her without the prying ears listening in. 

I placed my hand on the sides of her cheeks cradling her face in my hands, before gently resting my forward against hers. "Ember, I've lost my mother and I just lost my father. I can't lose you too," I whispered, trying hard to mask the emotion that came up with that possibility. "I don't know how it happened, but I can't. I need you to promise me that you will stay safe." She looked about ready to argue, so I stopped her. "I know I'm not telling this to anyone else, but you're not like anyone else."

"Why because I'm a girl," she pulled away in frustration, and I could feel it radiating off of her. Why doesn't she get it?!

"No, dammit! I don't care that you're a woman. It's that you're my woman!" I shouted back at her.

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