chapter 10

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"Mm~ Shrimp..." Cherry smirked.

Everyone else that as getting rained on by shrimp puffs were just screaming out of terror.

"Cherry, focus." Atticus reminded his best friend as she ate some of the falling shrimp.

Wanda screamed in pain and agony as Crocker used her magic to make it rain shrimp puffs.

"He's hurting Wanda!" Cosmo gasped as soon as he appeared. "He's too powerful!"

"We gotta stop him!" Timmy told the green-haired fairy.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Cosmo frowned. "Look at me, I'm a wimp! These aren't muscles, these are bones with sleeves! I can't do it! I'm gonna fail you guys and Wanda!" he then took out his wand and poofed away.

"Looks like Cosmo isn't going to be any help." Darla sighed.

"Looks like it's just up to us." Amber agreed.

"We'll never bow down to you, Crocker!" Timmy called sharply. "We don't care how powerful you are! You're still a second rate elementary school teacher! And shrimp puffs wreak!"

"Oooohhh..." the crowd replied in shock.

"Hmm, what would an evil dictator say right now?" Crocker asked his captured fairy.

"'I'm gonna let my fairy go'?" Wanda smiled nervously.

"NO! Good try though, I respect that, but I'd say SILENCE!" Crocker replied before zapping his scepter at the traitors.

"Magic mirror time." Amber said.

Timmy whipped out his magic mirror as Darla used her Moon Staff for protection, Annabelle shielded herself with a bubblegum like bubble around her, and Amber held up her hands which made an icicle come out from her palms to freeze the blasting zap. Atticus used his magic to join in to block the magic blast. Cherry cast a shield from her own powers.

"You guys still have your powers?" Darla asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we've been able to hide our magic and powers from Crocker." Atticus said.

The impact was enough to bounce back to Crocker and it made him fall off his pedestal.

"Incoming!" Cherry called as another blast was coming for them.

Amber molded a snowball in her hands and threw it against the blast which cut through it and hit Crocker in the eyes.

"Bull's-Eye!" Atticus cheered.

"Way to go, Amber, right in the eyes!" Darla cheered with a laugh.

Unfortunately, some of the blasts that Timmy dodged turned some innocent bystanders into giant, floating shrimp puffs. Atticus used his magic to change those giant floating shrimp puffs back into people. Crocker sneered as he came over to the traitors trying to overthrow him.

"Conceal, don't feel, conceal, don't feel." Amber told herself over and over.

"What are you doing?" Timmy asked.

"She has to do that so she doesn't overdo her powers and accidentally freezes someone to death." Annabelle whispered.

"Ohh." Timmy whispered back.

Crocker growled at Wanda since her magic wasn't strong enough against the others. "WHO ARE YOU?!" he then scowled at them.

"We should reveal our names, but not reveal the kids' names." Mo whispered.

Cherry and Atticus nodded. The three teenagers then gave their names. Darla's eyes widened at them revealing their true selves.

"And what are these children's names?" Crocker asked.

Darla's Abra Catastrophic AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang