Step 19: Purge Masks & Snapchats

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A/N: If you're really bothered by under aged drinking just skip down but dont skip the chapter because its important. Thanks! Vote!!


Remember Jo? From English last year?

Yeah well she happened to be at this party I'm at.

My cousins Halloween party.

I sat on the couch as Jo worked her second cup of Jumbo-Juice.

Yup Jo was 14 like me.

But she's had two cups of Jumbo-Juice, a lot of sips from her moms drink, and half a shot.

I think she's drunk when she starts dancing to every song.


I walked into the kitchen with my mom and cousin Greg.

"How old are you Sel?" Greg asked.

"14." I answered.

"Oh. I was gunna offer you a shot but you're too young." Greg said.

"She wouldn't take it anyways." My mom shook her head.


I was scared of vodka like no joke.

"You wanna Apple Pucker?" Greg asked.

"What's that?"

"It's really good and tastes like apples. Here just try a capful." Greg gave me a capful of the green liquid.

I called Jo in the kitchen.

I cannot believe I was about to do this.

I took the capful.

It was mostly good.

I was telling Jo about how Ms. McComb threatened me with a parent meeting.

"So Kevin was stealing my food and-"

"Oh my god! when are you two just going to date already?!" She groaned.

I laughed.

"Everyone says that." I shrugged.

That capful did nothing to me, but Jo over here is starting to get off topic more easily with every drink.

I couldn't help but laugh though.



I tried to work on my current events speech.

When Ms. McComb announced the project, I called dibs on the Alabama-Tennessee game.

Yup. I was an NCAA girl.
More that than NFL.

I started my timer.

"The game taking place on October 26th, 2013 was quite-" Ding!

I scowled at my phone and picked it up.

The last thing I would ever think to appear on my screen was there as I scrunched my eyes.

'Snap chat from @Brook_11'

I quickly hit the icon with a 1 in the corner and waited for loading.

I wonder if he wanted to talk? Nah it's probably about homework...

It was a video.


I tapped it.

A video of Jake appeared on my screen.

Where's the sound? Oh shit!

I turned up the sound quickly to get the last five seconds.

"Just say hi." Kevin laughed.

"No." Jake shook his head and continued eating his ice.

The screen went off.

I laughed and replied.

'What are you guys doing? haha hi Jake' Sending it with a picture of the video I was watching.

Almost right after, Kevin replied.

This time it was just Jake eating ice with the note, 'Jake loves his ice.'

I sent a picture of my Steelers bag and typed 'Oh Jake :,) '

Once again I tried to time my speech.

"On October-" Ding!

Stupid Kevin.

I grabbed my phone and watched the snapchat.

It had, 'Jake's lonely, ain't got nobody haha'

"I really wanna know what you said in that video." a girl said. sounded like Kaylee, Sarah's cousin.
"No." Jake retorted.

"Kevin stop!" Jake groaned, sinking into the booth.

"Seriously Kevin turn it off." a girl on the golf team groaned.
He chuckled and stopped the video.

I took a picture of my Mountain Dew I stole from Christain.

Well not stole. he just didn't get me anything in the store and neither did Bobby so he offered me his and I took it.

Long story short, I had to go around town getting boxes with a senior and junior. it's actually fun once you get past language and getting squished into the back of a mustang.

I typed, 'Haha they don't like the camera'

Later he never replied but I didn't care. I also noticed he hasn't opened my two last snapchats, therefore he wasn't snapchating me personally, just everyone.

* * *


"So if you want to become an author, not to crush your dreams but it's not easy. Publishers won't like your book and they won't offer you a publishing deal. But you can't give up after just ten rejections." Ms. McComb said.

I rolled my eyes.

I have my fans. I believe in them.

"Ms! You're going to crush Selena's dreams!" Bella whined.

I blushed.

"Bella!" I hissed.

"Yeah! She's going to become an amazing writer Ms! She's just going to be an author and yeah." Kevin agreed.

I pressed my lips together and looked at him, who gave me a genuine smile. It was cute...

"I can't believe you guys said that." I shook my head as Kevin and I entered math.

He laughed.

"Well it's true." He shrugged.

He believed in my writing... awe.

I kinda felt bad now that my biggest hit was well... about him. Not to mention this one.

Little does he know, none of this would be happening without him.

So you can thank him a bit.

* * *


Happy Halloween!

I checked my recent snapchats.

I had one from @DCruton, that was Dylan.

I smiled and clicked on it.

It was a drawing of a bear with very sharp teeth. But being myself I thought it was a monster, so I replied, "nice monster"

To which half an hour later, he replied with, "it's a bear"

I laughed.



I snapped a picture of my little cousin dressed as a vampire and I.

"Deal. Deal with a vampire." I laughed.

"Haha cool" He smiled in his pictures a lot.

That's cute.

"Who is that?" he asked.

"My little cuzzo. I did her makeup."

"That's nice."

"Yeah she looks up to me so xP"

"Because your nice."

"No because im awesome haha jk" I bit my lip as I sent the snapchat.

"Are not."

"Are too! And did you know they make peanut butter M&M's?"

I had no idea they did! Seriously this was awesome.

"Yes! They're so good!"

I tried them. Whoa yummy!

"They are!" I agreed.

He sent a smile photo.

I smiled back and typed, "No trick or treating?"

I had been sick so I hadn't wanted to make myself any worse. So I'm staying home with my grandparents.

"Ding Dong Ditching."

"Even better!" I agreed.


"Yes! As long as it's not my house."

"Where do you live?" He asked.

I imagined getting the door and Dylan standing there, with Kevin and Austin, twirling the keys to his truck on his finger while saying, "Found it." cheekily.

For some reason, the idea made me smile.

"By the highway. No more details(:"

"No fair!" He made a sad face.

"I don't want to be ding dong ditched!" I did a silly face.

I looked at the clock.


I had been snapchatting Dylan for an hour straight.


I was snapchatting another girl's boyfriend. But she's mad at him so I kinda see why he's talking to another girl...

It kinda made me smile that he would spend a whole hour talking to me.

He stopped replying, to which I figured he already went ding dong ditching.

So that's that.

School is going to be so weird on Monday.

Like... "Hey Kevin. Yeah I totally didn't spend an hour talking to your best friend... about useless stuff. OK see you in math."

"Hey Dylan... you're cute when your funny. K bye."

That was so not happening!

But it was cute of the thought.

But Kevin and Dylan are best friends. Again... at least I think again? But was that weird?

Yup, that's a little odd. But I liked talking to Dylan. He was sweet, funny, and did the thing girl's like most, text you back.


I yawned as I scrolled through my instagram.

I stopped at a picture of three boys with 'The Purge' masks on.

The photo was Dylan's.

To the left was Dylan, Texas ha on... shocker.

Then I tapped who was tagged and felt stupid for not noticing the guy in the middle with a Steelers hoodie on.

It was no one other that Kevin Brooks.

Then to the right was Cole. He was just an 8th grader I sort of knew non-personally.

I liked the picture an laughed at the caption.

The Purge.

How original Dylan.

I re-imagined my scenario from last night.

I imagined getting the door and three purge helpers being there.

I jumped slightly but didn't scream.

I knew it was Dylan standing there, with Kevin and Cole twirling the keys to his truck on his finger, because he leaned against the doorway and said, "Found it." cheekily.

I shook my head.
Definently not telling him my address.


I unlocked my phone and scanned my icons.

Three snap chats again?

It'll probably be like yesterday with two from All and one from Jo.

I gazed the names.

One from @Alle22
One from @Jo_23
One from @DCruton

I answered the girls first. nothing major.

I clicked on Dylan's and squinted.

It was really dark but I made out a creepy smile that could only belong to a purge mask. I laughed.

I snapped a photo without eyes because I hadn't bothered to put on makeup and I wasn't home.

I typed, "Is that a purge mask?? 😵😃😃" and sent it.

I checked my 'contacts' for snapchat.

It wasn't a story. That basically meant he hasn't sent it out to everyone. He had just sent it to me -as far as I knew-. Which really made me wonder what status him and Tate were at.

If they were fighting, I'd totally be nervous that Dylan was actually talking to me. As in... more than aquantenses. Maybe I'm looking into things, but this is Dylan we're talking about.

Yup. Tomorrow will be especially awkward.


I poured my cereal and sat at the table, checking my apps like always.

Three Snapchats again.

Two were from Holls, telling me how he asked for a large fry and her family brought her back the case with barley any left.

That was funny but messed up.

One from ... well guess.

A picture of a ceiling with the words, 'Sorry I was working'

I smiled to myself. That was kinda cute that he apologized for not replying.

I put a simple, 'it's okay' and he replied almost instantly.

'Still in bed' he said, with another picture of his ceiling.

That explains it. Who knows what Dylan sleeps in if you know what I mean...

I snapped a picture of my cereal.

'Lmao I'm just eating breakfast'

Two things, one: I now knew why Dylan was always late to school.
Two: Didn't he have drivers ed? oh no he got kicked out.

A few minutes later he replied.

'About to get in the shower.' with a picture of his shower.

I'm glad I'm not in person because use I would have blushed like mad and giggled.

I was at school already. I snapped a pic of my converse an said, 'Haha shpwers are good'
I mean what would you have said?

Dylan replied instantly but I didn't see until a few minutes later.

'You're already at school?' he said with a picture of himself, mouth open and hair tussled. it was a cute look.

I snapped a pic of the hallways, 'Yeah haha nice hair'

I entered math.
For some reason I was in a good mood today, and not because of Dylan. Just because of myself.

"So they're not your friends?" Kevin asked, a smile on his face.

His smile was so genuine and adorable. How his brown eyes light up is just... Sigh.

"I mean we're not friends really. I only talk to Jason at school." I pointed to Jason.

"And I only talk to Jake when I have school questions. Like school texting." I shrugged.

"So you use Jake?" Kevin retorted.

I scoffed. "I didn't say that. I just text him when I have a question really. I don't use him. Like you." I inquired.

"I don't use Jake. So like what about Dylan?" He asked.

"We're friends." I nodded.

He stayed quiet for a while.

I wonder if he knew. It didn't matter did it? No it didn't Selena.

"Dylan loves you. I'm kinda jealous." Kevin joked.

I smiled slightly and cocked my head.

"Okay." I nodded and gathered my books to leave.

As a status quo, Dylan and Kevin are friends again. Kevin was gone like all of first hour.
Just read:

I laughed as I helped Jill hang up stickers on the door.

I moved out of the way for a girl.
Kevin's eyes locked with mine. Almost, glare like. He passed me.

That was weird.

I went into class a few minutes later and Kevin was gone.

Did he leave?

Throughout the hour Dylan kept leaving. At one point he took Kevin's books.

"Ugh she was all pissed about my hat." Dylan snatched his hat from Damien who just took it last time Dylan left.

I fought back a smile. He used a hat because that idiot ran late. Seriously who showers at 7:45 when school started at 8?
He made it though.

In third hour Kevin returned, just fine.
That's... Weird.

*End of Flashback*

I don't know. Weird day.


"Hey Selena." A voice whispered.

I turned to face Dylan.

"If I need help on this test I'll just whisper to you okay?" Dylan nodded.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Why not?"

"Because it's cheating." I argued. What was with these boys and cheating?!

"Just because I didn't ding dong ditch your house." He said it as if it were a retort.

"You don't know where I live."

"Yeah I do."


"By Allen Elementry"

"Nope." He shook my head.

"Really? Near there!" He concluded.

"Nope. Not even close." I laughed.

He shrugged, giving up.

I sat and waited for English to start so I could hurry up and take this final I was stressing over.

"Hey Selena can I staple you?" Dylan asked, already trying to staple my black hoodie. Way to wait for permission.

"No." I shook my head.

"Too bad." He shrugged before quickly placing the stapler on my thigh and smacking it, making me jump.

Dylan laughed at me.

"You actually thought I'd staple you?" He looked over at me with such clear crystal blue eyes.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"Hey I still have to find your necklace." Tate walked by and stopped in front of Dylan.

"Okay. It's not even mine so just whenever you find it." He shrugged.

I tried not to look into it but I did.

Break up process? Giving each others stuff back.

Gah was I itching to see if they were broken up. I'll take his missing presence at her lunch table for the past two weeks a yes.


So this morning, Dylan had sent me another snapchat.

I had sent out a story but it was nothing.

"Toasty" he said with a picture of his fireplace.

After a stupid debate with myself, I said, "fireplaces are awesome JS"

Then after I sent it, I facepalmed.

Who says that?!

Of course only I Selena... Sigh.
"I know you sent me a picture of your fireplace!" I laughed at Alle.

"What's with the snspchats of fireplaces today?" I said without realizing it.

Alle laughed but Dylan, who was in front of me, stiffened.

That's a bit odd? Maybe he shouldn't be snapchatting me...

I snapped out of my daydream when Dylan smacked his spiral on my desk.

I looked up in confusion.

"Hold that for me." Dylan said, also adding on his blue backpack.

I looked down.

Dylan tipped the desk in front of me, trying to clean it. Makayla usually sits in front of me but since its dirty, she took Dylan's.

"Forget it. I'll sit by Aiden. Thanks home girl." Dylan said, grabbing his stuff.

I nodded.

"So do you guys understand the lesson?" Mr. M asked.

We nodded.

My attention snapped to Dylan who was literally laughing his ass off.

It made me want to laugh, that's how funny it was watching him laugh. His face flamed scarlet from lack of air.

"Meat-head." Mr. M said for the third time.

"Dylan!" Some girls yelled behind me, trying to get his attention.

He quickly sobered up and looked up.

His eyes caught mine and he nodded slightly and quickly as if saying, 'Sup?'

"You get it meat-head?"

"Yes coach." Dylan nodded.

I tried not to laugh.

I sat in book publishing with a confused state of mind.

"So what happened?" Audie asked.

I shrugged.

"Remember how I was wondering why Dylan was suddenly talking to me? Well he walked into English, holding hands with Tate."

She winced yet looked confused.



Mental communication girl language. It's unexplainable.

"So... Maybe he was just playing with your feelings?" Audie shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

I pursed my lips.

He sure played them. Played them like an acoustic guitar on a Friday night on a dirt road in the country on a hot summer night.

Okay maybe that was a bit over dramatic, but I got bad feels.

I frowned. Dylan was sending mixed messages.

Better yet? Mixed snapchats.


This is where the drama all starts! Next few updates are going to be so dramatic I can't even!


Team Kevin


Team Dylan


Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in Trainingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें