Step 32: University of Confusing Boys

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So like before, when you start telling Alle something Dylan jumps to her defense.

"You're such a jackass to her." Dylan told me in science.

I scoffed.

"I would like to see you spend one day with her."

"Alle's so nice! Like she's..."

Alle laughed.

Finally after a lot of arguing with Dylan and zoning out, Dylan left.

"You know that was on purpose right?" Alle said.

"What? No it wasn't." I shook my head.

She laughed at me. "Come on Selena. When he was trying to think of why I'm nice he paused." "Hesistated?" "Exactly."

"What?" I ran a hand through my hair.

"It was to make you jealous." Alle stated. I scoffed.




"Yes! It was so obvious how could you not notice?! I was just sitting here while you two were babbling. That wasn't about it me it was about you."

Hm... Really? It was just an excuse for Dylan to talk to me?

"Like you know when we're like 7 and boys were mean to get the girl's attention because they liked you?"

"Him-" I pointed to Kevin, "That does not apply." "No. Not at all I'm sorry but he doesn't like you he's just a jerk." Alle shook her head. I agreed. "But he-" She pointed to Dylan, "Does."

That can't be... can it?

* * *

"I'm pissed at him." Bella mumbled after Dylan spoke.


"He did something bad." She answered me.

"Something bad?" Making sure I heard her correctly.

"Yeah I can't say." "But something bad?"

"Yeah." She held up her folder.

It took 3 times for me to hear her.

"He like ate this girl out then never talked to her after." She put the folder down. "and she's one of my good friends so I'm pissed."

I really wondered who it was... I also wondered if I was the only freshman who wasn't sexually active?

I didn't say anything after though. I can see Dylan as the guy to get his head between your legs but I'm still not sure about it yet. I believe it but I also don't.

I'm not sure how to put it.

Later in class I started my web for my research paper.

"Oops." Dylan said, bumping my table.

"You're lucky I wasn't writing." I said. He was pretty close to me.

When I started writing again, he bumped the table, numerous times.

"Dylan!" I hissed.

He chuckled.

"I'm just playing."

"Fool you better stop or Imma hit you." Bella says.

I don't know why Bella talks like that seeing she's super white but it's super annoying.

"Awe that's cute. She acts like she's all bad." Dylan smirks.

I tried my best not to say anything or laugh because I kinda agreed with Dylan.

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