Chapter 16

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Sweet as Venom

Chapter 16

Dread was filling me. Wrapping around every blood vessel. Every muscle in my body was tense. I couldn't move and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Over and over. Was I or wasn't I? Leigh was pacing the small room as we waited. He hadn't said much since we left the clubhouse. I swear he was nearly as worked up as me.


My head snapped up as the doctor walked back into the room with a clipboard.

"Yep." My fingers fiddled with the cotton on my top. "That's me."

She looked up and gave me a reassuring smile. "I'd like to say congratulations."

My stomach dropped. Everything in the world stopped. I think even my own heartbeat stopped. I was staring blankly at the doctor as her mouth opened and closed and she kept talking. I don't know what she said so I found myself saying.


She let out a frustrated sigh. "I said that you are about six weeks. It's still early days. But congratulations to you both." She forced a smile and looked between Leigh and I. "Now if you don't mind I have to go. But if you have any more questions, feel free to come back. Your first ultrasound is at twelve weeks. Excuse me."

I saw the judgement she gave Leigh after taking in his leather vest full of patches and basically standing for a big fuck you in your face. He was a biker and she clearly didn't think much of him because of it. She most likely thought I was some club whore who accidently got knocked up. And she was right.

She walked out and it was when the door closed I was reminded I wasn't by myself.

"Who was it?" Leigh words sliced through the air.

"Who was what?" I got my coat from the bed and got up.

"Who the fuck is the father." He said each other slowly.

"I'm not telling you."

"He is fucking dead. And what were you thinking?"

I wasn't thinking that was the whole point of this situation. "I guess I wasn't."

"Some high school bastard I bet." Leigh went for the door and held it open for me. "So what the fuck are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I guess I have to talk to someone."

"That someone also has a meeting with my fists."


"Gabs." He grabbed my arm stopping me in the hallway of the hospital. "We will deal with this together."

Having a big brother always meant a lot to me. Leigh was always there when I needed to him and right now, just proved that.

"Thanks." Not thinking too much of it and needing it, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight- standing on my tippy toes. "I love you Leigh."

His arms wrapped around me. "Yeah I love you too Gabs."

At least I could count on that. I had Leigh. Now did I tell Saxon? I guess it was his baby too.


Ok. So this was a big deal. But I could handle it. I could totally do this.

Saxon wasn't in his office. Wasn't at the bar. Wasn't in the club. So I guessed he was in his room. I remembered which room was his. Sadly. I grabbed the door handle, without thinking about it, I opened the door and was immediately shocked.

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