Chapter Six: The Reveal

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"Have you heard from him?" Marcus asked nibbling on his sandwich, they were seated in some quiet restaurant enjoying some lunch and he was curious about what was going on between Camille and her baby daddy. 

It had been a few days since Camille had told the footballer that she was going to have his baby and he had hoped that Sergio would have been in contact by now to offer some sort of insight on what he was thinking. 

They would only be in Madrid for a couple more days before heading back to Monaco, it was unlikely that they would hear from Sergio when they returned home. 

"Nothing," Camille replied not even surprised, she had seen the look on his face when she had told him and she doubted that she would be hearing from him anytime soon. 

Sergio had a life that he had built with someone else, he had two other children and the idea that his one-night stand was going to give him a third wasn't ideal for anyone. 

There was very much a chance that Camille and baby would be the last things on his mind; he had a family that would need protecting at any rate when this got out. 

However, Camille couldn't regret the fact that she had told him that they were going to have a baby together; the next decision was his alone and she had to deal with that. 

"I am sure he'll come around," Marcus reassured not quite believing his own words, he hoped that the footballer wasn't going to be an idiot and turn his back on his children. 

Camille didn't reply, she sipped on some water hoping that he was right, she would do fine on her own but the press would be a nightmare to deal with when it came to wanting to know who the father was. 

They would hound her relentlessly and Camille doubted that they would ever let her baby forget that their father didn't want them.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" a voice announced making the pair jump, they turned to face the woman that was now stood before their table; she looked angry and was ignoring her friends attempts to get her to leave. 

They had tried to stop her from making a scene when she had spotted the brunette but it had not worked; they all felt sorry for her after hearing what had happened. 

"I'm sorry," Marcus asked wondering what the hell was going on, he stared at the woman quickly recognising her as Sergio's girlfriend; he doubted that this was going to end well. 

Camille stared at Pilar feeling her heart pound in her chest at the sight of the woman that was glaring at her; she had a feeling that Sergio had revealed what had happened to her. 

"I'd stay away from her... she's nothing but a whore," Pilar spat not caring who could hear them, she was so angry that this woman had come into her life and ruined everything. 

She had thrown Sergio from their home unable to look at him after he had told her that he had gotten his one-night stand pregnant. 

Pilar gritted her teeth, she had two sons to think about and she wasn't about to allow this woman to just steal her life; she was going to make sure everyone knew what sort of woman that she was. 

The restaurant around them was completely silent, nearly everyone had stopped to stare at the scene that was unfolding before them and no one dared to interrupt them. 

"I think we should go somewhere private and talk about this," Marcus insisted not wanting this to be aired in such a way, he had no idea who Pilar thought she was talking to but the woman was making a show of herself. 

Camille didn't say a word, she had hoped that she would never face the anger of Sergio's girlfriend for what had happened.

Pilar scoffed and shook her head, she had no intentions of going anywhere when she wasn't in the wrong; she was so angry that this woman thought that she could just ruin her life in such a way. 

"You slept with my boyfriend and now think he'll stand by that brat you carry," Pilar spat ignoring the whispers that filled the air, she didn't care that she had just outed what had just happened; the brunette deserved every bit of hatred for what was going on. 

The press would surely make her life a living hell and Pilar didn't care what went on with Sergio, she wouldn't be forgiving him anytime soon for what he had done to their lives. 

His actions had led to this and Pilar would have to deal with the fall out for their sons; she didn't want them anywhere near Sergio after what he had done to them all by cheating. 

Stepping forward to slap Camille across the face, Pilar suddenly felt herself being dragged backs away from the other woman; a man was stopping her and suddenly Camille was being ushered out of the restaurant. 

Marcus glared at Pilar wondering what the hell she had been thinking by outing such a thing; he couldn't believe that she had been so stupid. 

This was the last thing that they needed to deal with and Camille was going to be under a lot more pressure now; they would have to get back to Monaco as soon as possible. 

The media would be all over this and they didn't need them hounding Camille when she was ten weeks pregnant, they still had a long way to go before this was going to be alright. 

Pilar shrugged off the man that had stopped her slapping Camille, this was not over and she didn't care that the media would know before the day was over; she was going to make sure that woman would never be able to hurt her again.


"What the hell have you done?" Sergio spat storming into the kitchen to confront Pilar, the news of what had happened was everywhere and he couldn't believe that she had outed what had happened in such a way. 

He understood that she was furious with him for what he had done and Sergio didn't blame her, he had done a terrible thing and he had done it to hurt her. 

However, he had never expected Pilar to run into Camille and confront her about what had happened; Sergio had never planned on the two women meeting and now it was all over the news.

Pilar had no idea that the woman that he'd gotten pregnant was a princess, everyone was talking about this and it wasn't going to go away like she had hoped. 

Pilar focused on their children, she didn't want to talk about what had happened today; she was far too proud of herself to care what he thought about his name being dragged through the dirt right now. 

Slamming the newspaper down on the table, Sergio waited for Pilar to look at it; his stomach turning knowing that there would be no going back now. 

Before if he had turned his back on the child no one but him would have known that the child was his; not that he had considered for a moment abandoning his child. 

He had been trying to work out how this would work since Camille lived in Monaco, Sergio would happily be a father to their child in the shadows without having to worry about people knowing that the baby was his. 

Pilar slowly turned to look at the newspaper, her blue eyes stopping at the sight of the headline before her and the picture of her trying to attack Camille in the restaurant that afternoon. 

'Princess Camille of Monaco Pregnant!" 

Pilar didn't say a word, this wasn't going to fade away in time like she had hoped and now she would have to live with the consequences of her actions that day. 

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