Chapter Twenty-Seven: Talking About Marriage

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"He asked you to marry him?" Charlene asked shocked as she stared at Camille, she had been surprised when she had heard that Camille had come to visit her and she hadn't expected this sort of news.

Things had finally settled down and the last thing that they needed was anything else to rock the boat; they didn't need another media frenzy so soon after the last one.

Camille nodded her head, she still didn't know what to say to that and she had asked Sergio to give her some time so that she could think about them get married; it wasn't a decision that could be made quickly.

"What did you say?" Charlene murmured curiously, she was surprised that Camille had come to speak with her about this and it showed her how much their relationship had changed in recent years.

Things had truly changed between them and Charlene was glad that Camille felt like she could come and speak to her about anything; she had never thought that they would have this sort of relationship after their rocky start.

"I asked for some time to think," Camille replied looking down at her hands, she could understand where this was coming from but she wasn't sure that she could do something like this.

The last thing that she wanted to do was say yes only for their marriage to fall apart after only a few years; she had seen that happen far too many times within her own family.

Charlene nodded her head, that had been the smart answer and she wished that she knew more about the relationship between Camille and Sergio.

She had only seen the pair together a few times but she could see that they both cared about one another; they would make a good couple if things worked out well for them.

"I just worry that if I say yes that things won't work out," Camille mumbled shaking her head, she liked Sergio and things had been going well for them since she had moved to Madrid.

However, the suddenness of the proposal had come as a worry to her and Camille knew that this could be a reaction to what had happened between him and the other footballer that had led to his suspension.

Camille feared that was the only reason that he was asking was because people were always talking about Isabel's status in the royal family; not because he wanted to be married to her.

There was a chance in a few years that Sergio might decide that being married to her wasn't what he wanted; she didn't want to marry him only to get divorced in a few years.

Charlene was silent as she considered what would be the right move, she knew that Albert had concerns about his grandchild and she wished that there was something that she could do to help them.

They had come so far in their lives and Charlene knew that what mattered most was Isabel right now and she couldn't imagine what growing up for her was going to be like.

Charlene mulled over what could be done in this situation, she couldn't help but be hopeful that Camille wasn't going to hurt by what came next.

"Okay here is what I think you should do," Charlene said as a plan formed in her mind, she wasn't sure that it would work but she knew that it was the best way to deal with this right now.

Camille perked up at her step-mother's words and smiled, she was relieved that she had decided to speak to her over her father and she hoped that this would work.

It had been hard turning Sergio down in that moment and her decision to fly out to Monaco for a quick visit had unsettled things between them but she just wanted advice.

There was no telling just what might happen if she acted without thinking of the consequences again.


Sergio was almost surprised with how quickly Camille had returned from Monaco and he had known that she had come back with an answer for him; he worried just how this would affect their relationship now.

He hadn't given up on the idea of marrying Camille yet but he knew that they were going to have to take things slow; he wanted to move forward but he would understand that she wasn't ready for such a move.

"I've been doing some thinking and I have come up with a solution," Camille said sitting down on the couch, she hadn't wanted to stay in Monaco longer than needed and she was thankful that she had been able to talk to someone about all of this.

Sergio looked at her warily and hoped that he hadn't ruined things between them; he was silent waiting to hear what Camille had to say about his proposal.

Camille took a deep breath, she was a little nervous about this and she hoped that he would understand where she was coming from and she knew that this was the best solution she had right now.

"I will agree to your proposal and we will set a date for our wedding in two years," Camille proposed nervously, she had talked this through with Charlene and she was grateful that she'd had someone that she could turn to so that she could make the right decision.

Sergio couldn't stop a smile forming on his face about the fact that she was saying yes to his proposal and he edged forward wanting to kiss her.

"But during the two year lead up to the wedding, we must be a couple... we go on dates, we do the real thing and if things don't work out for us then the wedding is called off," Camille insisted trying to sound firm, a small smile had appeared on her face when she had seen how happy Sergio was about the fact that she had said yes to his proposal.

Sergio nodded his head as he thought about what she had said, he leant forward in his seat knowing that he was willing to work on this if she was.

"That I can agree to," Sergio agreed smiling at Camille, it was a step in the right direction for him even if he would have to wait two years before they got married; he was just relieved that things might just work out for them.

There was silence for a moment as they both realised what this meant for them, they were engaged and that wasn't something that could just be ignored.

Sergio got to his feet and moved towards Camille, he had never thought that she would agree so easily; he wasn't sure what to make of the fact that this was happening.

Gently pulling Camille to her feet, Sergio smiled at her reassuringly before he slowly got down on one knee before her and pulled out the small black box that he had in his pocket.

"Camille Sofia Grace Grimaldi... will you marry me?" Sergio asked wanting to do this properly, he was relieved that he had thought about doing this right after how badly the last time had gone down.

He had gone shopping for the diamond engagement ring that he was now presenting to Camille while she had been in Monaco and Isabel had helped him pick it out.

Camille peeked at the ring surprised that he had gone and got her an engagement ring, she hadn't thought that things would work out like this and she was relieved that he was taking this seriously now.

"Yes," Camille whispered making Sergio grin, he carefully slipped the ring onto her finger before getting to his feet and kissing her; he didn't know just how this was going to work out for them.

However, that didn't mean that they couldn't give it a go and they were starting to think about the future that they would share with between them and their daughter.

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