Chapter Twenty Nine

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Rishabh's pov

Not everything is supposed to be beautiful and long lasting. Some things just happen to make realize about good and bad things. To teach you things that you never learned. You need to be thankful everyday that those things happen and they show you who you really are.

It's been two years since the letter I received from Radhika. Two years I've no idea how she is doing. Two years of me completely blocking her out of my memories. But I miss her. I've tried to just let it go and not think about her but I miss her. Two years and everyday all I've tried to keep her thoughts away from my mind because it haunts me about how things could've been different and she wouldn't have left. Two years I've just worked and worked because it was only thing that distracted me from  the fact that she left and I couldn't stop her.

Maybe one day we'll meet in a different situation with different thoughts, with a less hectic mind and I could explain her about so things that I never got a chance to tell her. A part of me wishes I never met her because she reminds me of the good that I didn't know existed. I was never good with people leaving or heartbreaks. I haven't known how to deal with them. I just have a defence mechanism which simply shuts down that memory lane completely.

I've shut myself down completely. I don't talk to anybody much. I work all the time. I'm mostly in my office at nights also. I don't answer or think or acknowledge anything about Radhika as much as possible because that's a great area.

The only person I talk to lovingly is my nephew Arav. He's Arjun and Pakhi's son who is going to be two soon. Currently I'm at a supermarket buying him the chocolates from the list he gave me last time. I was wandering around the corner when a lady bumped into me and I dropped my stuff.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry" the voice was oddly familiar. I turned around to look and stood froze. I didn't expect to see her in my life ever again. I thought this door was closed so tight that it won't be opened anytime soon. The goodbyes were said and I've moved on. But looking at her I realized how much I wanted to see her.

"Radhika" I whispered. I couldn't find my voice. It was so low and timid that it was difficult for me to hear it too.

She picked up her stuff and got up to look at me. Her eyes widened but then a smile spread across her face. Damn I miss that smile "Rishabh! Wow" her voice had a surprise. She looked exactly the same as beautiful as she was two years ago. Her hair were cut a little short and she had glasses on but even through the glasses her eyes were the most beautiful ones I've ever seen.

I wanted to say so much that I choked on my own words. I wanted to tell her how much I've missed her in the past two years. How much I wanted to see her. Hear her voice.

Before I could say something a man came to Radhika's side and dropped his arm around her shoulder. She looked happy, really happy. I know I shouldn't be envious but I was. She was happy without me and I just couldn't think why it isn't it affecting her as much as it is affecting me. I've blocked every memory of hers in the past two years that now watching her so happy in her life didn't do good to my heart.

"Do you know him?" The man asked confusingly.

She looked at me analysing what the best answer would be. What am I exactly to her or how would she introduce me. I was so anxious and panicked about the situation that I couldn't stop my brain from running through all the memories of us together. Everything came crushing down and before I could hear her answer I was flat on the ground.

"Rishabh. Rishabh..Rishab..." I could hear Radhika call me and I wanted to follow her voice but before I could it was too late. Darkness consumed me and I couldn't hear a word.

Radhika's pov

It's been two year since I left Delhi and took one of the major decision in my life. It wasn't a easy one since I had my entire life here. I had nowhere go, I couldn't go home after what happened with Dad and I couldn't stay in Delhi for obvious reasons. With no other option left I called my cousin Ryan and asked if I could shift with him for a while before until I figure out what I want to do. He agreed immediately and I moved to Jaipur.

Each day was a different battle itself and I didn't know how long I could go without falling apart. I missed Rishabh every day, it was difficult to start everyday knowing he isn't going to be a part of it again. I didn't have any recommendation letter so I contacted Anya and asked for her help. She is sweetheart honestly. She helped me with everything along with Ryan and I got a stable job, a house, a life, some friends but even with everything I couldn't fill that void I had in my heart for Rishabh.

After two years I'm finally back and it is good. I'm basically here for Anya and Ryan's wedding. Both of them started talking when they were helping me find a job and then one year ago Anya offered me a job in Delhi. I had no interest in moving back so I recommended Ryan. He took the job and shifted to Delhi and now one year later here I am attending his wedding.

The only thing that didn't cross my mind was the possibility of meeting Rishabh again. I knew there might be some chances but I didn't know I'll be meeting him in this kind of situation. The thought of sitting in the hospital waiting for him while he was unconscious was not something that crossed my mind.

"Ma'am are you family?" The doctor's voice cut through my thoughts.

"I- No. I've called his brother. He must be on his way"

"Okay. We need to talk to the family."

I nodded and watched the time. It's been over twenty minutes, Arjun should be here any moment.

"Hey. I'm here. I'm sorry I got stuck in traffic."

I turned and looked at Arjun. He looked exactly same the last time I saw him. He had a little stubble now which in my opinion suits him. "It's okay. Doctor wants to see you"

"I'll be back. Don't leave okay" he said and rushed.

Before I could object and tell him that I really have to leave, he left. I paced around waiting for him which was exhausting since for some reason I didn't want to be here when he wakes up.

"Hey. Thanks for waiting"

"I've to go Arjun. What is it? I've certain commitments."

"I'm sorry for keeping you up but where did you find him?"

"At the supermarket. I bumped into him and before I could say something, he was unconscious"

He nodded. "I know you've things to do but could you please meet me tomorrow?"

"Arjun I can't. It's my-"

"I know I know but please. I really need to talk to you"

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow for some time"

"I'll text you the place and time"

"Okay. I got to go now. Take care of Rishabh"

"Sure would do"

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