Chapter 5-Dinner with the 12 Kids

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Isadora walked out of the big library with utter shock. Her blank face could not be missed by her dearest mother. "Papa, the King has requested you go in and speak with him. Matters yet to speak of."
"Child, are you alright?" asked her father Aspen.
"Yes. I am alright." she responded.
"Go freshen up, dear," he told her. Kissing her upon her head, he reached out to his wife. "Come my dear."
"Isadora, eat and go freshen up. It will do you good," spoke her mother giving her a hand.
"I will. Do not worry about me," said Isadora. Penelope hurried toward her once she saw her sister.
"Well?" she asked.
"I am not to speak of anything that he told me in that room. I am sorry, Penelope."
Penelope looked at her with sadness. "It's alright. I just hope that you don't do anything rash or stupid. Come. Let's freshen up. Dinner will be ready soon."
Isadora nodded and took the hand of her sister. They walked outside to the gardens.


At the dining hall, the Storm family were eating and quietly having conversation. All 12 siblings and each parent at an end.
"So, father, the King has requested you go in to the land of the King of Kings?" asked Raken.
"Quite so. He had to return as soon as possible. There was still no word of his son appearing and he had to resolve some matters that required his attention. Though, he has asked me to come in as soon as possible."
"As soon as possible? When should that be?" asked Raken.
"As soon as next week," Aspen answered. All the kids started winning and complaining. "Now now. Let's not make this a big deal. I will be back as soon as possible. The king is REQUIRING me to be present to over some new inputs to the kingdom."
"And when is that? After 2 weeks of arriving there?" said Peter.
"Now, Peter. I promised you that we would practice your sword fighting. A promise is a promise. It's just going to have to wait. Raken, why won't you teach your brother Peter some moves. Take some time out of your schedule and give him some brotherly tips."
"Surely father. You want to do that Pete?" Raken asked his brother.
"Why not?" answered Peter with a smile.
Queen Silvana looked at her daughter Isadora, "Darling, are you alright? You haven't touched your food. You love potatoes."
Isadora looked up at her mother from her plate. "I am just not that hungry. I think I lost my appetite," she laughed. Martha looked at her husband with a pleading look. "May I please be excused?" Isadora asked her father.
"Of course," said Aspen. Isadora unfolded her napkin and set it next to her plate. She stood up and walked out the doors. Up the stairs she went, to the left wing of the castle. Her room, a white walled space and in the middle a Queen sized bed. There she laid and cried her tears of confusion.


Penelope looked at her father and pleaded, "Please, papa. Let me go to her."
Her father looked at her and shook his head, "I'm sorry Pen. But, your sister needs to be alone. She is confused and hurt."
"How can I leave her alone? She is my sister! And she is probably feeling horrible! He humiliated her! How is the next King supposed to be supported by his subjects if he treats his Queen like a piece of trash?!" yelled Penelope at her father.
"DO NOT TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME PENELOPE AESTHARYS STORM! I may be your father, but you are also a subject and WILL show some respect," he looked at her from head to toe.
"ENOUGH! Are you mad?! Speaking to our child of this manner?" said Silvana.
"I am-" the King started, but was interrupted.
"I do not care who you are! These are my children too," she looked at Penelope, "Go to your sister. Make sure she is well. And if you truly love her you will stay with her the night and cry with her." Penelope stood up and ran toward her sister's room. "You and I will talk in our room my King. The rest of you children, finish your dinner without haste." She went around and kissed all of her 10 children seated. As did Aspen.
They both walked out and headed to their room.


Penelope found her sister in the middle of her bed. She sat by her side, took Isadora's head in her hands. She had a tear stained face, so she gently wiped away the tears. "Tell me, what is it that you cry for?"
"I'm so confused, " whispered Isadora. Penelope laid down with her, they both wrapped an arm around the other.
"I," Penelope started, "do not know how to console you. But, I will be here for you."
They both cried themselves to sleep.

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