Chapter 9-Little Dagger

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Isadora quietly exited the grand throne room and lightly closed the wooden double doors. She pulled her hood over, looked left and right, and started her way over to the other wing of the castle. Once she entered the stables, she heard Hadassah munching on her hay and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to her stall, which was lightly dimmed by a small candle, and saw her big white horse munching on her hay without a care of what was going on. That was one of the reasons why she loved her so much, and why she was dear to her heart. Apart from training herself, Hadassah only ever obeyed her or her family members. Isadora saw her sister stash something away in the saddle bag on the side. "What did you put in there?"

Penelope looked at her sister, "Grandfather's blade. I am sure you will need it at some point in your journey. By the way, we did not think of this before....but where do you plan on going?" Isadora looked at her sister and cracked a smile, "Do not worry. I plan on traveling to Hornhill first- I need to go there. It is a dream of mine. Then to rest at the Tower of Julius, and ask about his whereabouts."

"Isa, I do not believe you should go to Fort Julius alone. I have heard stories of that place," said Penelope with great fear.

"I do not have a choice. I feel stupid now saying this but I do not know the first thing about my betrothed, let alone where to look for him. And if anyone might know something, it will be father's close friend General Kieffen," said Isadora with reassurance.

"Well, just keep an eye as you get to the Fort. Do not stop to look at anyone. Look for him as soon as you get there. What will I tell father" asked Penelope with wide eyes.

"Penelope, I will be fine. I have Grandfather's dagger. You are overreacting. Though, I will tell you this...if I don't show up at the front gates of this castle, don't hesitate to look for me at the Hill," said Isadora. Penelope looked at her and sighed.

"Then, I think I should give you this," said Penelope turning around into the wooden box behind the end of the stall. She took out a long-covered thing. "What is it?" asked Isadora. "It is father's old sword. I thought it would be used as a backup, keep it strapped on the saddle in case," Pen giggled. "Thanks, Pen. I don't know what I would have done if you were not here," exclaimed Isadora. 

Penelope swallowed hard and tried not to cry, "I am your sister. I should be helping you to sneak out."

They laughed and giggled. Hadassah looked at them while munching her last bit of hay. Hadassah turned to take a bit of water from her bin, then turned to nuzzle Isadora. Isadora giggled even harder.

"Well," Penelope said grabbing the candle, "I think it's time for you to head out. The sun will be coming up in about another hour. It's the perfect time for you to get out of the castle grounds. Hopefully, they won't notice you are gone until the afternoon. Then the real fun will begin around here," she laughed.

Isadora smiled while taking the reins of Hadassah, "You are right. Let's go towards the back of the stable.

Penelope got in front of Isadora, "Let me get the barn door for you." Penelope opened the door and looked around. Once she saw no guards around, she motioned for her sister to come outside. She put the candle down and saw Isadora bring Hadassah around and put the reins back towards the saddle. "Can you hoist yourself up?"

"Yes. Thank you, I've got it," said Isa, "I'm not as small as someone else."

"Hey! It's not my fault," whined Pen.

"I know. I'm just teasing," said Isadora. She put her left foot on the stirrup and grabbed hold of the saddle horn. She hoisted herself up, sat down, and took hold of the reins. Hadassah made a small snorting sound, "Easy girl. Easy."

Penelope grabbed the candle, "At least let me say goodbye to you at the gate."

"Grab the reins in the front then, and make sure that candle does not get us spotted," said Isa. Penelope put the candle back down on the gravel and grabbed the reins of Hadassah. She walked the horse to the gate, stopped opened the gate, and then took hold of the reins again. She stroked Hadassah, "You take good care of her, you hear me?" she cried. The horse looked at her and then started nodding relentlessly. She and Isadora giggled, and then Pen reached for Isa's hand. "Isadora, you take care, find the Prince, then come home. Won't you?"

Isadora looked at her sister, "Don't you worry about me. Not yet at least. Take care of yourself and our siblings. If I don't come back in a week, you babble to mama and papa what we have done tonight, alright?" Penelope nodded. She let go of Isa's hand and tears fell. "I will see you in a week," said Isadora. 

"Walk on, Hadassah," Isa said to her horse. The horse started walking hurriedly to the path that was directed towards the forest treeline. Penelope closed the gate and looked back at her sister. Isadora slowed her horse looked back at her sister and they smiled at each other.

Isadora spurted her horse to a trot and began her journey.

Her sister, on the other hand, walked back to the stable crying. Once she got into her room, she went to the window outside wishing that she could see her sister. "Good luck, my dear sister," she whispered. She got into her bed sheets and blew out the candle on her nightstand into total darkness. 

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