How he asks you to be his girlfriend

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Your POV
We worked a really long time together now. He had kissed me a few weeks ago. I didn't think it was much to him but it was for me. I worked on the case and rewatched all the clues we had. Then Ryuzaki came.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked looking directly into my eyes.
"Of course." I said and sat up.
"So why aren't we together like girlfriend and boyfriend? I mean you like me, I like you." he said. My eyes widened. Did he really just say that?
"Wh-What?" I stuttered. I felt my cheeks burn so I must have been blushing.
"It's kind of obvious, don't you think? Watari asked me too. So, would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked but still in his monotone voice.
"S-Sure." I stuttered and smiled at him.

Your POV
We were in my room and learned for a test. I didn't even know why he learned, he is the best student in the whole region. I was reading a text when I felt his eyes on me. I turned around to face him and saw him smiling at me.
"What's up?" I asked and smiled at him too.
"I was just wondering something." he responded.
"And that is?" I asked and turned my whole body torwards him.
"If you want to be my girlfriend." he just said and my eyes widened.
Sure I wanted but I didn't expect him to say that so it was a shock at first.
"So do you?" he asked and looked deep into my eyes.
"Of course." I said and hugged him.

Your POV
He had just kissed me. We smiled at each other.
"You're really beautiful." he said and still smiled.
"I don't know if it is too early for that but would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked and looked at me. We still smiled. I was happy because of the kiss and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't have to think about it.
"Of course I want to be your girlfriend." I said and smiled even bigger. Near took my hands and looked me in the eyes.
"I think this was just the best day in my life." he said.

Your POV
I was at Mello's house. This time we were alone. We sat on the sofa and watched a movie. It was nearly the end when Mello turned it off. He looked at me and I quickly turned my head torwards him.
"I wanted to ask you something." he said and looked down. He took his chocolate and began to eat it.
"Okay." I said and wondered why he was so serious.
"I wanted to ask if you would like to be ... to be my girlfriend?" he said. He still looked at his chocolate while he said that. But that wasn't like him at all. He wasn't shy, never. He always acted tough and brave but now he was shy but I have to admit that it was very cute.
"Of course." I said and with that he looked at me again. He then came closer and gave me a kiss and smiled.

Your POV
We played (Y/favourite game). We played it for five hours straight and talked just every now and then. Until the game crashed. We sat there with wide eyes and opened mouths. We still looked at the screen that was all black now. We settled up and looked at each other.
"So this gives me an oppurtunity." Matt began. He chuckled a bit before he began to speak again.
"Would you like to be my Peach when I'm Mario, my Zelda when I'm Link, my Yuna when I'm Tidus? Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said and looked into my eyes smiling a bit.
"Sure, but please stop being so cheesy." I laughed with him. He then gave me a kiss.

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