Jaime Lannister x Reader (3)

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You were asleep comfortably under the sheets of your bed, when suddenly your eyes unexpectedly flutter open. You had no idea why, but something felt strangely wrong. The bad feeling in your stomach was enough to put you on your feet, wandering across your dim lit room to catch some fresh air by the window. 

You take a deep breath and inhale the cool air of the night, the chill quickly sending a shiver throughout your entire body. As you look down at the land below you, several manly figures manage to just barely catch your eye through the darkness. 

You leaned in as much as you could without falling out the window, your attempt at trying to listen to the conversation unsuccessful. For just a moment, you could have sworn you heard the voice of Jaime Lannister, yet it could have just been your ears deceiving you. After all, Jaime was always on your mind ever since you laid eyes on him. He was handsome and everything you ever wanted in a potential husband. Of course, you were nothing but a friend and he loved his sister in a way that was more than a sisterly-bond. 

Still, that uncomfortable feeling in your gut was enough to have you go out into the night and check for yourself. Making your way quietly down the stairs, you are extra careful not to trip on anything. You reach for the handle and step out barefoot using the darkness of the night to conceal yourself. Peaking around  the corner, you are just able to make out the conversation and sight before you. 

"You'll never get away with this, Starks. You don't think people will notice the 'King Slayers' absence?" 

Your heart sinks in your chest when you realize you had been right about hearing Jaime's voice. In front of you was a defenseless Jaime being taken captive by several Stark Soldiers and an angry Catelyn stark. You were completely scared for him. Would they hurt him? Or worse.. kill him? You couldn't just let them take him away. 

Your feelings for him were much to strong making you careless enough to reveal yourself. 

"Jaime!" you call out his name, your voice filled with complete panic. "What are you doing? Let him go!" 

Everyone including Jaime snap there heads in your direction. Even in complete darkness you could still make out the fear in Jaime's eyes the second they land on yours. 

"(Y/N)! Don't come any closer. They'll hurt you, just get out of here!" he shouts, still fighting to break free from the ropes they've tied him in. Your eyes flash to the soldiers surrounding Jaime, watching as they look to Catelyn as if they are awaiting her order. 

To your surprise, she acts as if she hasn't seen a thing, instead ordering her men to continue on with dragging Jaime towards their boat. 

"(Y/N), tell my sister not to worry. I'll be back for her and-" his words are cut off by one of the men tying cloth around his mouth. You fight to hold back tears, taking one more step forwards before he disappears in the distance. 

"Don't worry, Jaime! I promise I won't forget about you. We won't give up on you!" you shout with the remaining energy you have, hoping he managed to hear the words. Your knees finally give out from underneath you, crashing to the floor along with your tears. 

*Jaime's Perspective*  

"I promise I won't forget about you. We won't give up on you!"

Those were the words that replayed in his head over and over again. Even as the weeks passed, they were still the only thing that filled Jaime with the slightest of hope. 

Being isolated from everyone, kept captive and imprisoned by the Stark's gave Jaime plenty of time to think. At first, all he could think about was being away from his sister and how she was taking his absence. Yet, strangely enough, several times he found your face occupying his thoughts instead. 

There was something about the look in your eyes during the night he was taken away that he couldn't shake. He saw in your eyes just how much he meant to you, and that seemed to spark an interest he had buried deep inside him. 

The more he thought about you, the more things he found incredibly intriguing about you. Your sense of humor, your shyness, your adorable smile and the way you always laugh at his jokes. 

The image of your smile makes him crack one himself for the first time in weeks. 

He shifts his position on the dirt covered ground, leaning his head on the post he is chained too while letting out a long sigh. 

"I wish I could see you again.." he whispers to himself. 

*2 weeks later - Your perspective*

You walk through High Garden, admiring the flowers that fill the path. Stopping to sit on a bench, you allow the sun to completely bathe your skin. Looking up at the sky, you couldn't help but wish Jaime was here to enjoy this beautiful day with you. 

It's been weeks since you've last seen him, and you haven't been able to fully enjoy anything since. Not one moment had passed without him in your thoughts. 

"I wish I could see you again" you whisper to yourself, silently praying to the gods in the sky. 

"See who again?" a familiar voice says from behind you.

Your heart begins to beat insanely fast, and you are suddenly too afraid to look. Could it actually be? 

"Hello?" the man says again, setting a hand on your shoulder. When you finally turn around, you almost pass out when your eyes meet Jaime's. You immediately stand up, turning to face him.

Getting your first good look at him in weeks, you could tell just how bad of a position he was in just by his appearance. He was covered in his own filth and dirt, clothes ripped, a thick mud stained beard, and eyes that looked heavy with exhaustion. 

Even with the way he was, you couldn't help yourself from reaching out and wrapping your arms tightly around him. 

"Is it really you?" you whisper in his ear, wondering if this is all just a crazy beautiful dream. 

"It's me" he replies with a smile, pulling away to get a good look at you. "It's so good to see you again, (Y/N)". 

"I'm sure everyone is so relieved to see you back safe" 

"Actually, you are the first person I wanted to find" he says, looking intensely in your eyes as he pulls you back against him. 

"Really?" you ask shocked, suddenly feeling nervous being pressed up against him with many eyes staring at you both. 

"I couldn't stop thinking about you" he admits, his hands cupping your now flaming cheeks.

You didn't even know how to respond, but thankfully you didn't have to. His lips fall gently onto yours making you feel like the happiest person on the planet. Unfortunately, the kiss doesn't last long as he is quick to pull away. 

"I should get cleaned up, you look and smell to good for me to cover you with my dirt" he says with a smile. 



"Promise me you won't ever leave me again" you say, desperately not wanting to let him go even if it is only momentarily.

"I promise you, (Y/N)"

<The End> 

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