Daenerys x Reader (1)

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It has been one of the longest, most exhausting weeks of your life. The only other week more tiring than this being the week in which you were wed to your Khal. You shivered at the thought of how he entered your tent every night, using you as a toy for his sexual pleasure. Now, with him murdered, you were forced to join the Dosh Khaleen like the many other widows. 

On your first day in joining them, you had remained optimistic. 'It can't be worse than being married to a man I never loved' you had thought. In fact, when your husband was murdered, you sat in your room searching for any trace of sadness within. But none was found. All you could think of was how you would no longer be forced to wake up to the face of a man you had zero trace of affection for. You were what you thought at the moment to be 'free'. 

Sadly, your current situation still made you feel imprisoned. You were forced into the Dosh Khaleen by cultural rules of the Dothraki. Maybe you were overthinking things, but all the other members seemed to exclude you from conversations. It was as if you were always the odd one out. That could however have something to do with the fact that you were more than half their age. Your fellow widows seemed old enough to be grandmas, while you were still very much a young adult. 


The sun barely peaked over the horizon, indicating the beginning of yet another routine filled day. You made yourself as presentable as you could with the little energy you had, entering the main area where the Dosh Khaleen gathered every morning. 

Approaching the crowd, you immediately spot an unfamiliar presence. She was easy to catch sight of from the silver of her hair. You rubbed at your tired eyes, but as you got closer you knew they weren't playing tricks on you. 

You had joined the circle as quietly as you could, hoping to remain unnoticed, but your attempt had failed. Everyone's heads snapped in your direction, including the new girl who looked about your age. Your eyes lock with her incredibly blue ones, taking in the beauty her presence brought. 

She was unlike any other woman you had seen before, making you feel something that you couldn't quite explain. Their was only one other time in your life that you had felt this type of flutter in your stomach, and it was when you were just a girl. It came from a friend you used to have who you would occasionally see back in your home land. She made you incredibly happy, and every time you had locked eyes the flutters would return. You were young at the time, but you knew these were feelings of romance in which you had been told would be felt only towards men, not women. This left you incredibly confused.

Now, locking eyes with the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, these fluttery feelings had been multiplied by more than you could keep track of. But you were no longer just a little girl, and you could finally accept these feelings you had with no family members around to judge you. 

Studying her expression, she seemed nervous and out of place, which very much reminded you of yourself the very first day you had joined the Dosh Khaleen.  As the others continued to ramble, you kept your attention focused on the silver-haired one. Between stealing glances, you almost didn't notice one of the other women calling your name. 

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)!"

The sudden snap back to reality mixed with the volume of the woman's shout was enough to startle you back a step. 

The woman relaxes having finally captured your attention, resuming her speech in her usual raspy tone. 

"We need you to help our guest settle in. For today, you are responsible with showing the new one around her new home, do you understand?" 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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