A Spice of Mystery Sauce

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A Spice of Mystery Sauce

"I told you lot there was something funny about Veigler!" Remus said passionately, "I told you!" He looked wide-eyed between James and Sirius as they all three sat about in the little alcove off the Trophy Room passageway, where they'd decided to go to have a chat about what Sirius had seen in the forest. "I never would've guessed he was messing about with Fenrir Greyback, though, that's just bloody terrifying."

"I know," Sirius said, nodding, "The moment they said the name, though, I just realized exactly what that smell was and it's the same as Greyback smelled when we met him in the woods outback the Potter's. Veigler's been 'round Greyback -- and somewhat recently, too. The smell is strong when you're a dog."

Remus shivered. "And I haven't smelled Greyback since I was a kid when he bit me. Perhaps that's why I was bothered by it but couldn't figure out why."

Peter murmured, "I knew there was something fishy about Veigler, too. Knew it all along."

"No you didn't," James argued, "You thought he was ruddy awesome like the rest of us did. Only Remus saw through it before. Him and his bloody uncanny nose."

Remus shrugged, "It's a gift and a curse."

Peter reddened for being called out like that and quickly scrambled, "Well how come we all were so stupid to believe him?"

"I think it was the falsum fidelus," Remus said. "The spell that makes you seem trustworthy."

"Oooh, like maybe he cast it on us when he was working with the screechsnap, you mean?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Perhaps," Remus said, nodding. "Under the guise of teaching it to us, he actually puts us under the spell. Well surprise on him, it didn't work on me, I don't trust him as far as I could throw him and you lot know I'm not very athletic."

They nodded their agreement with the statement.

Sirius said, "Well I certainly don't trust him anymore - and I really wouldn't mind throwing him right about now. Right into the lake!"

"What do you lot reckon the bit about The Hunter coming is all about?" James asked. "What'd he say exactly again Sirius?"

Sirius replied, "Nerimai said the Hunter comes with his dog and blood will run and then Veigler will know fear. And there was something about Veigler and a boy and that's why Fenrir's coming."

"Well obviously it's Fenrir that's the hunter," said James.

"But why would Fenrir's coming mean Veigler's blood if they work together?" Sirius asked.

"Perhaps Fenrir's angry with Veigler for something," suggested Peter, "So he's gonna bite him!"

"Maybe. But the boy?" asked James, "What about the boy?"

"And the Hunter's dog," Sirius said.

Remus was rubbing his chin. "Well... wait. A hunter and his dog... According to Zosma, the constellation Orion is called the hunter."

"What?" they all looked at him.

"Class tonight. Zosma was saying that in mythology, the constellation of Orion is called the Hunter and his dog is represented by the star Sirius. Orion's bow hunts the prey that Sirius leads him to." Remus stopped as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He hastened a look at Sirius, cringing.

"Isn't your Dad named Orion?" asked James.

Sirius's brows sank together, "Yeah, but..."

"And you're Sirius and you're a dog!" Peter squealed loudly, pointing at Sirius accusingly.

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