A Rodent in the Air Vent

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A Rodent in the Air Vent

Next day was Halloween and the castle was bustling with energy. Hagrid had rolled four fat pumpkins in from the gardens and spent the night carving them into lanterns that bore the house crests in each up at the front of the Great Hall, flickering with glowing golden light from within. All of Slughorn's Potions classes for the day brewed a happy potion that turned a festive shade of orange, and even Professor McGonagall got into the mood by having them transfigure bottle caps into bats and spools of thread into mice that scampered off only to pop back into spools a few moments later. Everyone was having a grand time - although Peter was a little put off by all the mice, "I'm not overly fond of rodents," he complained to Remus under his breath.

"They're not so bad, rodents," Remus answered, "They get a bad rap, especially by Muggles, but they're actually quite intelligent. Everyone underestimates them, you know? They can learn spectacular things. Really, they're as smart as dogs, just in a smaller package." He lifted a mouse up and let it run across his knuckles, smiling at it until it turned back into a spool of thread with a pop! He laughed and put the thread down, "They're rather great, really."

Peter shuddered.

The feast that night was spectacular, the House Elves had once again outdone themselves, service a delightful pumpkin stew served up in actual small pumpkin shells and succulent kebobs with roasted tomatoes and lamb and peppers. There were sweets a plenty - pepper imps making people's ears steam and loads of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"I hate these things," Peter complained as he spat out a nasty bogey flavored bean into his napkin. "I always get the shoddy ones." He glowered at Remus, "How come you haven't gotten any of the nasty ones?" he demanded.

Remus replied, "I can smell the difference in them."

Sirius breathed deep over the box they were passing among them, "Actually, come to think of it..." he poured a couple into his palm. "Blimey. I think I can, too."

James petted his head, "Good, Snuffles. Now point me in the direction of a toffee flavored bean."

Sirius grinned. "But will I, or will I give you earwax? How evil am I?"

James looked at the bean Sirius proffered. "Come to think of it, I reckon I'll take my chances without your help," he said, grabbing the box back from Sirius. He got lucky with a pink lemonade flavored bean. Sirius grinned and tossed the bean back into the box, smirking. "I knew I couldn't trust you," James pointed at him as he chewed.

Remus chuckled and grabbed the box, grinning and dug about, holding one up to James. "There you are, mate."

James grabbed the bean and chucked it in his mouth without hesitation. A moment later he was gagging as Sirius and Remus snickered. "You bloody dog," James gasped, after spitting out the habanero flavored bean and gulping down a large quantity of water.

Remus grinned. "Never underestimate the wolf, mate."

The evening concluded with a lovely performance by the Hogwarts ghosts, who swooped and dove about the Hall, performing all sorts of spectacular aerial tricks in the rafters of the room before Dumbledore finally stood and clapped his hands together, signaling the end of the feast. It was late and everyone was really tired - especially the first years, who were drooping in sleepiness at their seats around the tables already. They all headed up to their dormitories talking and laughing about the grandeur of the feast.

"That was a great day," said Sirius, sprawling across his bed after helping Remus get into his.

"Yeah it was," Peter agreed, neatly folding his school robes, "I had quite a lot of fun today."

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