5. Perks of Being an Atheist

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1. You get to live your life with your own set of morals. 

2. We have evidence! We have scientific proof that there was something called the Big Bang billions of years ago. We have evidence from scientific studies and experiments. Religion lacks a significant number of peer-reviewed studies based on empirical evidence published in scientific journals. 

3. We can live our lives knowing there isn't some fancy lad in the sky watching us and judging us 24/7. We can bask in our privacy knowing that we are truly alone. 

4. I can live my life knowing I have power over my own choices, my own life, my own future. If I accomplish something impressive, an imaginary God doesn't get the credit. I know that everything I do is because of my strengths. 

5. We don't have to worry about the afterlife. Death is as peaceful as a dreamless sleep. 

6. Debating is easier since we have legitimate evidence. 

7. We have an esteemed list of influential scientists and thinkers on our side. 

8. You can analyze the scientific evidence for the Big Bang theory and evolution by natural selection. Instead of settling with an imaginary God, we can continue pursuing scientific endeavors. 

9. Some dope-ass celebrities are atheists too!

10. No need to ask for forgiveness. If you fuck up, you don't have to fear eternal damnation. 

11. Finally, my own personal reason that pertains to me specifically, and may pertain to other atheists as well. I feel unique. I feel like I am different, and I love it. Almost all my friends and family are Christian. I'm not. It makes me feel proud that I can have a strong disbelief in something that so many people I know and love are so invested in and believe with a passion. That makes me feel awesome.

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