26. Questions for Religious People Vol. V

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1. What's the best part about being religious? 

2. What's the worst part about being religious?

3. What makes it so easy to dismiss scientific theories that have so much evidence they're considered to be facts by the majority of the scientific community?

4. Have you successfully converted anyone?

5. Does you/your family have any restrictions or rules purely based on religious reasons? 

6. Do you enjoy going to church? Why or why not?

7. Are women allowed to be in positions of leadership/power in your church? (i.e pastors/ministers/reverends, etc.)

8. If it's so easy to dismiss Islam as a violent religion simply based upon a small percentage of religious extremists within that religion, why should people not immediately dismiss Christianity as a violent religion due to the KKK? (this question only applies to some people!)

9. Do you really know anything about the other religions?

10. Have you ever personally met a person from another religion? (i.e Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc.)

11. Why is your religion the best?

12. Would you marry someone who wasn't the same religion as you?

13. Many religious people have told me that if I truly open my heart and look deep down inside myself, I'll realize the truth, and that I really do believe, I'm just in denial. However, I believe this can be flipped back on y'all. Why can't I say that if you religious folks truly open your eyes and mind and look deep down inside yourself, you'll realize the truth, and that there really is no God or gods and you're just in denial?

14. On a scale of 1-10, how impossible to you is the notion that there is no God?

15. What's your definition of blasphemy? 

16. Why is murder/genocide God's go-to punishment for virtually any crime? 

17. I'd like to think I'm unique by being atheist. What's unique about being a part of your religion?

18. Are any book/movie/TV series you're not allowed to watch due to it's content not following with your religious ideals/beliefs?

19. Are you my mummy? 

20. Do you believe in ghosts? 

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