Chapter Twenty-Nine

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An electric shock rushes through my spine when Lisa's words echo in my mind.

They're going to take us? Who? And why?

I look at Vicky, who seems to be equally as confused as I am. "Lisa, what are you talking about? Nobody is going to take us."

The exhausted girl shakes her head. "I'm so sorry, I thought he was just joking or something." Lisa tries so sit up straight against the nearest wall and starts explaining. "Pete and I were at this party and he took some drug. He started rambling about this 'friend' of his and how they made a lot of money by selling girls. I laughed at him because he sounded so ridiculous, but he just got all weird and whispered that I should be nice to him, because I could just as easily become the next girl."

Lisa hides her face with her hands and her small shoulders start shocking again. "Of course I didn't believe him at first: he had taken some weird drug. But at Lucas' party I was secretly drugged and when I heard there were other girls who were drugged as well, then I knew. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do! I thought if I would just hang out with Pete, he would tell me more and I could know for sure. Then I could go to the police. It doesn't matter, it's too late now anyway..."

This can't be happening.

Vicky stands up and starts pacing up and down. She puts her hands on her head and curses silently. She doesn't stop walking when she asks Lisa a question. "How sure are you about this?"

Lisa rolls her eyes, while still resting her back against a cold cellar wall. "These guys just locked us up in a freaking basement. I think it's pretty obvious, Victoria."

Vicky walks up to some boxes and out of nowhere, she swings her leg and hits one of the cartons with her foot.

Okay, she needs to calm down. I stand up and leave Lisa on the ground. I walk up to Vicky and force her to look at me. "Listen, let's try not to overreact. We should call for help, because it's definitely not okay to lock us up like this, I don't know what got into those guys."

Vicky nods in assent. "I have my phone, should we call 911?" She already has her phone out when Lisa hoists herself up from the ground and intervenes. "Girls, you do realise Lucas lives in the middle of nowhere, right? It's going to take them way too long to get here."

She has a valid point. I must admit: she is a lot smarter than I expected she would be, and she's definitely a lot smarter than she was acting to be the past evening. "Well, who else should we call?"

Lisa's look immediately shifts to me.


"No way. I sneaked out to come here and if he has to come here as well, he's going to kill me."

Lisa seems to be satisfied with her plan anyway. "Well, if he saves us in the process, I'm alright with it."

I sigh.

"I'm kidding, Elle! Look, we're not in a situation we can be picky. We'll call 911 and your handsome bodyguard. He'll probably get here first and scare those guys upstairs. We get out and the police will arrive. They look into whatever shady business Pete and his friend got themselves into and everything will be alright."

We're all silence for a while, processing the plan Lisa just proposed. Vicky is the one who breaks the silence. "That sounds like a good plan to me." Lisa nods. Now they look at me.

Do we really have to involve Frank? If we're just overreacting and Frank arrives anyway, he's going to be so angry. I don't want to see him after what happened tonight at home. I'm sure he'll ground me, or my dad would, after he tells him about my rebellious adventure.

Two pairs of eyes gaze at me, still waiting for an answer.

I've put myself in this mess. I shouldn't have sneaked out, that was stupid. I tried to escape Frank, but now I have no other choice but to call him for help.

"Okay fine."

Two relieved sighs escape the circle we're standing in. Vicky holds her phone up. "I'll call 911, you call your bodyguard, okay?" I nod with a bit of unwillingness. I do not look forward to that call.

I search for Frank's mobile number in my cell's phonebook, when I notice Vicky raise her phone above her head. "Victoria, what are you doing?" She sighs and starts walking up the stairs. "Isn't it obvious? I'm looking for better reception."

Hm. Mine is pretty bad as well actually. I start walking across the room until I find a corner with mildly good reception. Vicky is already calling when I take a deep breath and hit dial on my own phone.

It rings three times when a voice, familiar though distorted, as this always happens to one's voice over the phone, immediately submerges me in all sorts of intense emotions by its sound.


I wait just an instant before answering. "Yeah, it's me, Frank."

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