Chapter Thirty-Four

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I've woken up a couple of minutes ago.

Apparently, I'm lying in a hospital bed.

The walls are white and so is the shiny floor. On my left side, a large window with its curtains open, allow me to see the sky. It should be somewhere around noon. Or afternoon, I don't really know: greyish white clouds obstruct the sun and prevent me from finding out. About three meters away, on my right, you can find the door, leading to a hallway, I suppose. Through a small glass window, built into that door, I see heads floating by once in awhile.

The left side of my body, especially the upper half, hurts like hell when I move. My normal clothes are gone and instead, I'm wearing a simple hospital gown. I'm not even sure if I'm wearing underwear, as lifting my gown, even reaching for it, hurts too gravely. In my left arm, a needle attached to a narrow tube runs to a bag, probably containing saline.

I just started to remember what exactly happened, when my room's door opens. Someone enters and stops walking, surprised, as soon as she sees me. Was I not supposed to be here then? After just a moment, she works away her confusion and she starts talking to me with a friendly smile. "Hello Giselle, my name is nurse Ana. I didn't expect you would wake up so soon. How do you feel?"

Considering the circumstances... "I feel fine, thank you."

Nurse Ana has short, brown and curly hair. Along with her petite figure, her eyes emit a prudent personality. She walks up to my bed and as she replaces the almost empty bag of saline for a new one, I feel the opportunity to ask her some questions. "Excuse me, but do you know what happened?"

She raises her eyebrows and she seems to get excited in a way. "Don't you remember?"

I quickly look around the room, like that would help me. "I'm not sure."

When nurse Ana is done exchanging the bags of fluid, she kneels beside my bed and leans in, like she's about to tell me a secret. "I didn't have a shift last night, but they told me you came in with a clean gunshot wound and an estimated blood loss of 30%."

I have no idea what that means, but I listen nevertheless.

"You underwent operation for an hour, nothing too serious, but you needed a blood transfusion." She leans in even more. "But you're famous!"

"What? Why?" What is she talking about?

"Everybody knows you were almost abducted twice and you escaped both times. Plus, this time five people or so from that human trafficking mafia the police were chasing got arrested. Police have got their hands full and the papers are expecting many more arrests in the near future!"

She pauses for an instant and looks a bit disappointed with my lack of excitement. "You practically took down an entire mafia."

That sounds a bit overreacted, but it's a lot to take in nonetheless. I'm not even sure if she's telling the truth. Maybe nurses like pranking disoriented patients, betting money on which nurse can tell the craziest stories.

She elegantly waves with her hand. "Well, you and that hero of a bodyguard of yours." She looks down and starts blushing.

Frank. He makes things even more complicated.

At first, I hesitate, as every second nurse Ana keeps talking, she brings me back to the chaos that my life has become. It would be nice to live in ignorance a little bit longer, but I have to ask her: "Is he all right?" Quickly I adjust my question. "Is Vicky all right? And what about Lisa?"

The Bodyguard ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz